against his. I bury my face in his chest as he wraps his arms tighter around me. Leona’s words always get to me, always make me doubt Damon, but in his arms is the only place I feel whole.
    “Are you sure you’re okay?” I nod my head into his chest before looking up at him.
    “Everything is perfect now that you’re here.” I give him a small smile. He leans down and kisses me softly. It’s a slow, lazy kiss, full of passion. A slow mating of our tongues.
    “I love you, beauty,” he mumbles against my lips. I melt into him, enjoying his kisses. He pulls back to gaze into my eyes, and gently places a kiss on the tip of my nose, and then my forehead, before gently pulling away. “You’re mine, Ella. I’m keeping you.” I want to let him. I’m going to let him. 
    “We need to get back out there before the troops come storming in.” I laugh at Damon’s words and grasp his hand in mine, letting him know I’m ready to go back out there.
    He pulls me out of the office, keeping my hand firmly locked in his, and leads us to the table where Tom, Spence, Wes and Sofia are sitting. Damon takes a seat and pulls me down onto his lap. I look towards the bar, hoping it’s not too busy so I can go get a cold water when I spot Leona having what looks like, harsh words with Lacy. Leona stomps away when she’s said her piece, with Michelle and Sharn following close behind her, leaving Lacy standing alone.
    I try to stand but Damon strengthens his hold on me. I look at him and see his silent question. I kiss him chastely.
    “Give me a second. I’m just gonna see if Lacy wants to join us.” He smiles and kisses me a little more deeply before releasing me. I stand and walk across to the bar to where Lacy is standing.
    “Lacy, thanks for sticking up for me.” I give her a warm smile. “Why don’t you come join us?” The smile on Lacy’s face is warm and she looks just like her sister, Ellery, when she smiles. Ellery is the one who set me up on the date with Damon, and one of his closest associates. I can tell that Lacy really is a genuine person, and she looks so pleased that I invited her to sit with us.
    “Are you sure?” I give her an encouraging smile and nod my head in the direction of Damon.
    When we get back to the table Damon and Tom are in deep conversation about Damon’s car. I’m not certain, but by the look on Tom’s face I would swear Damon was talking porn to him, he looks so happy. When Lacy moves to sit down next to him, Tom does a double take, and stops talking, completely forgetting what he was saying. The look on his face is priceless. I can see he is seeing her for the first time.
    As I sit down next to Damon he lets out a little chuckle as he turns his head into my neck, kissing below my ear. I turn into his embrace, breathing in his scent, inhaling him.
    I turn my head and look across at Tom, who is in deep conversation with Lacy. They both seem lost in each other, oblivious to everyone else. He says something I can’t hear, and she throws her head back and laughs, her eyes shining at whatever he said. I turn to look at Damon, who is watching the whole thing play out before he turns to me, his lips moving to my ear,
    “You know, I think I do like Tom after all.” I burst out laughing and everyone turns to look at me as I try to control myself.
    “What’s so funny?” Spence asks. I turn to look at him and see he’s looking a bit awkward, realising he is the only one without a girl. I really need to sort that out soon. Spencer needs a lady in his life to put him in his place.
    “Nothing Spence. Everything is good.” Looking around at my friends I realise for the first time in a long time those words are true. I have real friends.
    Life is good.
    I’m hot. Not from the bodies surrounding me, not from being in an enclosed room packed with people, I’m hot from Damon’s touch. My blood ignites. They’re innocent caresses but I’m desperate for him.
    I’m nestled

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