Warlord Metal

Warlord Metal by D Jordan Redhawk

Book: Warlord Metal by D Jordan Redhawk Read Free Book Online
Authors: D Jordan Redhawk
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tossed the wadded tissue into the trash can by the desk. Then she went into the bathroom to run water in the sink.
    Sonny splashed cold water onto her face, shocking her warm skin. She looked up into the mirror. The reflection of herself bent over the sink gazed back with red, watery eyes. A bit fascinated, she straightened, droplets of water rolling down her face and throat. In her mind's eye, she compared herself to all the woman she'd ever seen with Jordan.
    Her general resemblance to all of them was unnerving. Tall, shapely, long hair. Sonny turned to one side. About the standard bust size. She turned back and leaned on the counter, getting close to the mirror to search her eyes. Why am I different?
    She shook her head, pale eyes no longer seeing her mirror image, ears no longer hearing the television in the other room. Instead, she saw the emerald fire flashing and heard a voice say, "I've wanted you for a long time, gorgeous."
    A surprising thought popped into her head and Sonny said to herself, "She really cares about me!"
    Sonny Middlestead was an astute young woman. Raised under her brother's tutelage, she'd become a bit more knowledgeable of the world and the way it worked than most of her peers. Her father had always taught her that she had a choice in all things. "You can choose to be right or choose to be happy." For the most part, the teenager had always opted for the latter.
    And now was no different. She knew where her happiness lie. It was a small, redheaded, metal music prodigy who was hell on wheels. And when the teenager made up her mind to get something, she succeeded.
    And Sonny was going to get Jordan.
    Feb 3, 2001
    Last night was.... It was the best night of my life. And the worst.
    I finally kissed her. Oh, man, it was so much better than kissing a guy! I could never understand what the other girls got all worked up about.... Wow! I think I've figured it out! (I'm getting all tingly just thinking about it!)
    It's so hard to describe - it was soft and rough at the same time. Hot and wet. All those silly clichés in the Penthouse letters are true! She squeezed my breast and I about fell over, my knees got so weak.... It's definitely not mutual masturbation! Wowza!
    And then Lando showed up and Jordan did a fast back pedal. She tried to act all cool and shit about it. She said that she'd hurt me and that I needed someone else to take care of me and treat me right. But she doesn't realize that she's the one to treat me right. I know she won't hurt me - I've known it from that first night at the bus stop. I've just got to get it through to her that she's the One (with a capital O, damn it!)
    I'm backstage at some little rock club in some little town in California. Lando and Jordan aren't jumping around as much as usual - they're both feeling pretty crappy. They left the hotel last night and went to a country/western bar, of all places, to pick up chicks.... There was a big fight outside with a couple of the local yokels. Lando ended up with stitches near his eye and his knuckles split. Jordan has a shiner that's so bad she still can't see out of it... They're just lucky that the guys they got in the fight with were troublemakers - otherwise they'd be in jail and we'd be losing money on this contract!
    I think she did it because of what happened. Maybe she was punishing herself for losing control with me, I don't know. Maybe she just had all that pent up sexual energy and needed to release it.... I guess a fight would do that.
    I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I will. I will get Jordan to love me if it's the last thing I do. That's a promise.
    I'm Gonna get Close to You
    I like to look at shadows sweating on the wall.
    I get excited when I hear footsteps in the hall.
    Outside your balcony I have a room with a view,
    And I'm watching you.
    I dial your telephone each and every afternoon.
    I wait by your door till you're asleep at night.
    And when you're alone I know when you

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