
Warclaw by Samantha McGivern

Book: Warclaw by Samantha McGivern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha McGivern
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laid on the floor as far as the eye could see. Warclaw walked up to one that was near him and noticed that it was one of his. The wolf was fairly young.
    “Hey Marko, I think I just found my pack!” Walking over to Warclaw, Marko looked down on the floor and saw the wolf Warclaw was looking at. “So I am guessing that this wolf was one of yours?”
    “Yeah it was. I can’t remember who though.” Warclaw said slightly concerned. “I can’t see your father anywhere Marko.” Warclaw was more concerned this time. “Well we shall have to keep looking for him.”
    “Okay, we may as well start looking now.” They looked at each other and Marko nodded to Warclaw and spoke with calmness “Agreed.” Walking forward, they started walking towards the horizon checking each dead body that they walked past.
    After some time, they came across six dead wolves. These were the last wolves to have died in what looked like a death war. Warclaw looked down to the first wolf and noticed that it was one of his. Walking passed the wolf; he looked at the next wolf and noticed that the wolf was one of Marko’s. Looking at the eyes of the wolf, he saw that the eyes were not a red colour but a brown colour. ‘Why were all their eyes red when they were alive and now are back to their original colour when they are dead? It must have something to do with the crystal.’ Warclaw thought to himself. Looking over to Marko, Warclaw looked at his eyes and saw that they were a blue colour. “Warclaw, come over here. I found him.” There was sadness in his voice. Warclaw walked over to where Marko was. Looking down to the ground, he saw that this wolf looked old and drained. And to be honest it looked like he had had a horrible death. Warclaw felt sorry for Marko, as he had to see his father like this. “Sorry Marko.” Warclaw said sympathetically. He patted him on the shoulder and walked to the other wolves that were on the floor. “He wasn’t as bad as you think he was Warclaw. My father was great once, but that stupid Atlas Crystal corrupted him and then it just went cold. We all became so empty. I knew I had to do something but I couldn’t. It felt as if I was being restrained. I found a way around the barrier though and I pushed past it. I managed to find you, although my father had ordered me to come and get you anyway. Why did it do this? Make us all mad?” Marko questioned.
    “Marko remember when I said to you when we were walking down that beach that there are some things that you cannot understand, will not understand? Well this is one of those answers you don’t want to find out or know.” Warclaw plainly stated. He had spoken with the upmost command in his voice. “Fine but still, it wasn’t nice.” Marko shivered. “What now then, Warclaw?”
    “Well by the looks of it, none of your pack has survived, whereas the majority of mine has. I’ve seen hardly any of my pack lying dead on the ground, so I think it’s a case of going to Meg Mell to look for them. I need to know how many of them have survived. So you can either stay here or come with me to Meg Mell, Marko. It’s up to you.” Warclaw went to walk off when Marko spoke quite timidly to him. “Can we at least dig a hole and bury him? Seeing as he is my father, could you do that, please? I know you did it with Willow so could you? Please?”
    “Yes I did it with Willow but that was different but if it what you want then yes I will.” Warclaw walked up to the lifeless body of Mathew. He picked it up gently with his teeth behind the shoulders, before moving it over to somewhere where it was clear of the littered wolves. Placing Mathew gently down on the floor, Marko started to dig a hole. After placing him down on the ground, Warclaw walked over to Marko and helped him dig down into the earth.
    When the hole was finally deep enough to fit Mathew in, Warclaw went over to the body and picked it up. He then carried it over to the hole before dropping Mathew into it.

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