War Letters from the Living Dead Man
body of humanity on earth, the entity of the earth exists in the democracy of planetary spirits in the solar system, the solar system exists as one in the company of its fellows in the greater democracy of the Cosmos. A small blood clot on the brain could seriously hamper the working of your cosmos. So you see there is nothing preposterous in my saying that you can hasten infinitesimally the peace between the race spirits by forgiving and making peace with your personal enemies, especially if they belong to races on the other side of this war. The small is not so unimportant and the great is not so important as you have the habit of supposing. Yes, you personally—and all of you—can hasten the coming of peace.
    April 16

Letter 23
    The Mystery of Desire
    I have written about the hunger and thirst of disembodied men in the astral world, and I have written about the evil astral beings who brought about this war to satisfy their malice. They too are hungry beings and the war has given them food. Do you know what they live on? They may live long on blood and the exhalations of slaughter. I have seen them by myriads hovering over a battlefield, gorging themselves on the blood that dripped from the wounds of suffering men and from dead men. The leaving of the dead unburied has also satisfied their hunger. Vampire entities came up from Hungary and from other countries and fed on the living. The awful weariness of war opened a door through which they might pass to the life forces they craved.
    “Blood is a peculiar fluid,” as Goethe said. The life of an evil entity may be renewed for another long period of existence if he can have blood enough. If you stop eating the carcasses of dead animals, you will cease to feed certain evil entities in yourselves. It is not merely for reasons of sentiment that the pupils of the Great Masters are advised to refrain from animal food. You are told that meat eating feeds the passional nature. What is the passional nature but the hungry nature that longs to feed on something not itself? So long as you eat meat habitually you will never be quite free from the influence of entities who live on the blood and the other properties of meat. Eat purely, and by and by you will find yourselves thinking purely and desiring purely. I do not tell you to kill out all desire this afternoon, for desire is the dynamics with which you work for even the ideal; but kill out desire for blood and the flesh of dead animals, and all sorts of other desires which serve no necessary purpose in your evolution will expire.
    A lot of nonsense is talked about desire. You desire to develop spiritually, you desire to do the work of the Masters; you are not merely led along like a lamb to do the work of the Masters. There is desire and desire. If it seems “desirable” that you shorten the road to conscious union with the All, you will desire that union probably; you are not likely to drift into it. I am not talking about the violent desires of ambition. You need not be ambitious for occult development. In fact, if you are too ambitious for occult development you will be in danger of becoming a black magician. But you can quietly “desire” even union with God. All action on this plane springs from desire of some sort, and it has been said that desire and will are the same. Perhaps they are. It has also been said that desire relates to the temporary, and that will is some kind of superior motive force; but I should be inclined to say that will in its more dignified phases was merely desire for a higher thing—that is, if I wanted to separate the two. Music may be sublime and music may be ragtime; it is still music. The force of the wind may fan the flame that burns your house, or it may fill the sails of the boat that takes you across the sea to your soul’s desire. It is still the same wind.
    You may even desire to desire the higher things. You may will to will with the Law instead of against it. Is that not desire, too?

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