Wanna Bet?

Wanna Bet? by R. S. Burnett Page A

Book: Wanna Bet? by R. S. Burnett Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. S. Burnett
Tags: Romance, new adult, college, Erotic
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asks sounding a little worried
    I turn to
look at her “I made him bleed” I whisper horrified.
    “ You went back
there?” the look she sends me tells me she thinks I’m beyond
    “ He was
bleeding and I couldn’t stop, I was so mad”
    “ It’s okay,
try not to think about it” she assures me wrapping a protective arm
around my shoulders.
    * *
    As I pull on
my jacket and pick up
    my keys, a
feeling of dread comes over me, it’s not bad enough to stop me
going though and I always get a feeling like this when I sneak out
at night but tonight it seems to be a bit stronger.
    “ Brooke?”
Sophie’s quiet voice calls out to me.
    “ I’m just
going for a walk Soph, I won’t be long, go back to sleep” I say
softly to her
    “ I know you go
out every night, can’t you just tell me where you go so I know
you’re safe?” she asks, breaking my heart a little. I shake my head
and walk out the door. I don’t want anyone to know where I spend my
nights; they won’t understand and try to stop me doing
    My thoughts
briefly drift to Sophie and what a good friend she has been to me
since we first met as I make my way through the graveyard until I’m
stopped dead on my feet by a figure bent over my dad’s grave. I
frown and squint my eyes trying to see who it is, It’s a man, he’s
tall and he hasn’t heard me coming or if he has he is just ignoring
me. Something in his had catches the light and I feel the blood
drain from my face as I watch him swing the hammer in his hand
above his head then bring it down quickly, hitting the grave.
Instinct takes over and I’m running.
    “ Noooooo!” I
scream so loud my chest hurts.
    The man
swings around startled and I watch as my step dad throws his head
back and laughs at me. I don’t stop running towards him not taking
my eyes off the grave to see how much damage has been done so when
I reach him and he puts out an arm in front of me I’m not expecting
it and fall straight to the ground with a crash knocking the air
out of me. I try to get back up but he sits on top of me straddling
my stomach. I watched amazed at how calm I am when he raises a fist
and it crashes into my face. Blood flows from my nose and scream
out. I try to struggle against him but he’s too strong. I swing my
arms about at an attempt to hit him but he grabs them and pins them
above my head using his own.
    “ I’m going to
enjoy watching you struggle. And I’m going to take you on top of
you’re fathers grave so he can see what a whore you really are” he
laughs down at me. He grabs my breast through my top and squeezes
it hard making me whimper. He shoves his mouth onto mine and I turn
my face to the side so he gets my cheek. He bites me and lifts his
head up. “Look at me” he shouts down at me. I turn my face to look
him in the eye. I don’t know why I do it but I spit at him, it goes
in his eye making him swear and close his eye just as his head
reaches down I hit it with my own wincing at the pain that flashes
above my eyes. He stumbles back off me and I struggle to stand but
he’s quicker than me and kicks me back down. The kicks keep coming
and I try my best to block them but my body starts getting tired.
When another kick doesn’t immediately follow I look up to see he’s
picked up his hammer. He can see me watching him horrified and
laughs again, I close my eyes and wait for the blow, the one I know
will end it all.
    It doesn’t
come; instead I hear a loud grunt. I gingerly open my eyes to see
Tucker on top of Sam throwing punches and from what I can make out
not missing one.
    “ Stop!” I
shout not knowing how far Tucker will go. He stops and seems to be
trying to catch his breath. I shake my head at him wiping away the
tears from my face but they don’t stop falling “He’s not worth it …
stop” He throws the hammer to the ground next to me and gets up. I
watch confused as he pulls Sam up off the ground and pushes him
    “ Get out

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