Waiting for Romeo

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Book: Waiting for Romeo by Diane Mannino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Mannino
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business major, in one of my advanced literature classes. Maybe if we were freshmen, in an introduction course, but certainly not, senior year, in an advanced class, that requires a prerequisite course.
    What’s his game? That’s all I can think, maybe it’s the cynic in me. Or, maybe I should just listen to him. Is it possible he has always been honest with his feelings even from the start? Is he being honest now?
    This is what I do know: he has gone out of his way to show me he has turned over a new leaf. He kicked out Sebastian, written off Seraphina as a friend, and even moved into a place of his own. Now on top of that, he went out of his way to get into my Shakespeare class. For some reason, despite my efforts to push him away, he still cares about me and as much as the cynic within me wants to deny it, he cares a lot about me.
    When I finally pull out The Complete Works of William Shakespeare to get started on my homework, I hear my phone buzz and see I have a text from Logan.
    LOGAN: Hi
    ME: Hi
    LOGAN: So, I’m tempted to change my major.
    ME: Oh. Why is that?
    LOGAN: If it means having you in all my classes…I’m in.
    ME: Oh, Romeo…I’m sure you could pull some more strings. BTW how did you manage to get in w/out doing the prerequisite?
    LOGAN: I talked to Professor Meyer. I told her I loved everything Shakespeare (including you). I’m pretty certain she either took pity on me or is a hopeless romantic.
    ME: Probably both ;)
    LOGAN: Are you starting to get the picture that I will do anything to get you back?
    ME: Anything ?
    LOGAN: You’ve got my attention.
    ME: Hmm. I’ll have to think about that. Good night, Logan. See you in class.
    LOGAN: Until then. Sweet Dreams.

    IT’S SATURDAY NIGHT and Bryn isn’t a happy camper. After refusing to go out Friday night, she now threatens to burn my Shakespeare textbook. If my six classes and work at Spyder weren’t enough, the extra work I’m doing to assist in my Shakespeare class is pushing me over the edge. Not one to give up easily, I’m determined to not throw in the towel…at least not a week into the new session. I hate disappointing people, actually I despise it; no doubt it’s the people pleaser in me. I know if I give up I will undoubtedly disappoint myself the most.
    With so much work, I can barely keep my head above water. But Bryn, despite my protests and reluctance, ignores my pleas to let me stay home and burn the midnight oil another weekend night.
    “Uh-uh. You are not staying home tonight to do more work.” She stands in my bedroom doorway with her hands on her hips.
    I’m lying on my bed, an island in the midst, my laptop and books surrounding me.
    “Bryn, I promise I’ll go out with you next weekend. I’m up to my eyeballs here.” I plead while focusing on my laptop.
    She moves forward, pushing the lid of my computer down. “Emilia, you need a break. The session just started and if you keep this up you’ll burn out by the end of the month. You need to get out. You know what they say about all work and no play.”
    “It’s the key to success.” I smile, smugly at her.
    She ignores me and moves to my closet. Pulling out my JBrand jeans and a new red Wildfox sweater she gave me for Christmas, she tosses them at me.
    “One day you’ll thank me for this.” She beams.
    “For what? For single-handedly ruining my GPA?”
    “No, for keeping you sane. Now get up and get dressed so we can get this par-tay started.” She does her best rapper impersonation.
    “Only if you promise to keep your rapping confined to the shower.” I giggle.
    “I’ll promise you whatever you want if it’ll get you out of the house and into the nearest party. Now, go!”
    WHEN BRYN AND I get to Soho it’s still fairly early in the evening. The college crowd typically shuffles in between ten or eleven. Carefully, scoping out the scene, I don’t see Logan, or Tyler and Josh, for that matter. Thankfully, letting out a sigh of relief,

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