out their textbooks, we’ll get started.” Dr. Milton’s voice snaps me back to the here and now.
Trying to focus on Dr. Milton’s lecture on Hamlet and Hamlet’s seven soliloquies, I feel Logan’s eyes, glancing over at me every now and then, but I resist the urge to look back at him. Fortunately, my newfound friend, Chloe, keeps me distracted by her caricature-like doodles of Dr. Milton and several of our classmates that surround us.
When she taps her pen to her notebook to get my attention, showing me her latest creation, I slap my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. It’s a caricature of Logan and I. He’s in his boxer briefs with bulging muscles and what looks to be a twelve-pack, ogling over me with his tongue hanging out like a wolf, while I am dressed like Little Red Riding Hood .
When class ends, I gather my things, stuffing them into my backpack. Despite not having a backpack, Chloe leans down beside me and pretends to look like she’s doing the same.
“Good luck, Emilia. I expect an intro next time.” She says, quietly.
I look up at her. “So you plan on making it to this class?” I tease.
“Hey, I wouldn’t miss it now.” She lifts her textbook and one notebook in her arms as she quickly glances at Logan, winks at me, and then darts out of the room.
Throwing my backpack on my shoulder, I stand and glance in Logan’s direction before heading to the front of the room to meet with the professor.
Logan steps closer towards me. “I told you I’d see you tomorrow.” I know he’s referring to his text message.
“Did you switch your major?” I tease.
“Not exactly…unless my major is you .” He smiles, his blue eyes shining.
I bite my lip and feel my face redden. “ Okay .” I think for a quick moment. “How did you get into this class when you didn’t take Advanced Shakespeare 101? It’s a prerequisite for this class.”
He breaks into a barely there grin at my bewilderment. “How about I take you to lunch? I can tell you and we can discuss Hamlet. ”
“No. Besides, I can’t. I have another class and I need to talk to…” I start to say but I’m interrupted when Professor Milton clears his throat, loudly and I turn to look in his direction.
“Time is of the essence, Miss King.”
“Oh, yes. I’ll be right there.” I say. My face heated.
“Later, beautiful.” I hear Logan say as I quickly turn from him and make my way towards the professor.
I AM THOROUGHLY EXHAUSTED, completely and utterly spent, by the end of the day, physically and mentally. I congratulate myself on successfully avoiding certain people, while handling slightly awkward situations without falling flat on my face.
Certainly it isn’t the first or the last time Luke will get under my skin. Although, it’s getting much easier for me to turn him down, I struggle with putting him in his place. After today’s encounter, I have to admit, as inexperienced as I am with all of this, I am surprisingly finding that when times get tough, the tough get a backbone. Doesn’t Bryn always tell me I’m one of the toughest people she knows? I always laugh her off, but maybe she’s slightly on to something.
Life is tough. Love is tougher. Heartbreaks are the toughest. I don’t know where this quote is from, but I read it on a bathroom stall once and it stuck in my head. Is it possible that I’m a stronger person because Logan broke my heart? Maybe. I pull out my iPad and stare at the “LOVE” emails, trying to make sense of everything that has happened. Is it possible our break-up caused him heartbreak? Is it possible the loss of what we shared caused him as much pain as it did me? He says so, but I don’t really understand it.
And now.
I didn’t think it was possible for me to run into him, pun intended, even more than I already had. Now, he is literally, everywhere I turn, including, the one place, I thought I’d never see him. Never in a million years did I think I’d find him, a
Yukio Mishima
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Alex G. Paman
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Sean Williams, Shane Dix