Waiting for Him

Waiting for Him by Samantha Cole

Book: Waiting for Him by Samantha Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Cole
comforting embrace. “Shhh. It’ll be fine. She’ll be shocked, but then I think she’ll be ecstatic to know you’re alive. Yes, I fainted…” He grabbed her chin and forced her gaze upward. On his face was a teasing frown. “And don’t ever repeat that to anyone else. Ian is already blackmailing me with shit assignments for the next year.” She smiled as he intended. “But now I’m past my shock and I’m thrilled you’re alive, Kitten.
    It hadn’t been his intention when he first pulled her into his arms, but he couldn’t resist her. Bending forward, his lips caught hers and his cock sprung to life. He teased the seam of her mouth with his tongue and rejoiced when she opened, granting him access. Last night, he’d been spouting poetry at the taste of her, but now, she must’ve just brushed her teeth again because she was minty fresh and delicious. Poetry was the last thing on his mind.
    One of his hands went to the nape of her neck and his fingers spread out to hold her head in place. His other hand clutched her hip, pulling her flush against him and his bulging erection. They moaned almost simultaneously when he shifted his head and the new angle allowed him to plunge his tongue deeper. Her tongue tangled with his as her hands slid up his shoulders and into his hair.
    “Ah, shit. Sorry, but we need to get on the road.”
    They jumped apart. Kat’s face turned red before she spun around and began throwing the last of her stuff into her bag. Shit, Boomer thought. What the hell was he doing? If it wasn’t for Jake’s interruption, he would have forgotten the danger Kat was in and thrown her on the bed for a hard, fast, and sweaty rutting.
    Adjusting himself, he acknowledged his teammate over his shoulder. “Yeah. Give us a minute. We’ll be right out.”
    “No prob.”
    A few seconds later he heard the door to Jake’s room open and close again. He’d be getting the car started for their trip and Boomer hurried to grab the last of his stuff. He glanced around the room, making sure they weren’t forgetting anything before taking Kat’s bags for her. Pinning her with an intense stare, he told her, “We’re not done, Kitten. Not by a long shot. Just wanted to let you know. Once you’re out of danger, we’re picking up where we left off and there will be no interruptions. Understood?”
    She bit her lip and nodded, but her gaze lowered from his face to his chest. Convinced she knew he meant to have her in his bed soon, naked and sated, he turned and headed for the door. Because his hands were filled with their bags, Kat hurried around him and opened the door.
    “I can carry my stuff if you want.”
    “Not,” he snorted. She may be used to doing things on her own after all these years, but that was about to change. It went beyond wanting to be her Dom. His parents had raised him to be a gentleman, and Kat deserved to be treated like a lady.
    Jake was standing by the open trunk while the sedan was running. “Radio says there’s an accident on the highway and traffic is backed up for miles. We’ll have to GPS around it.”
    “K.” As Boomer tossed the bags into the trunk, an SUV came squealing into the lot and both men’s heads turned.
    Drawing their weapons, they backed up to use their rental car as cover and stood in front of Kat, protecting her. Four large men climbed out of the Escalade and each had a semi-automatic in hand, but didn’t point them at the trio. It was the only reason Boomer and Jake didn’t open fire.
    “Give us girl and you can valk avay.”
    What the fuck? From the accent, it was obvious the Russians had found Kat, but how the hell had they known where she was? Jake would have spotted anyone casing the bank, so the info had to have come from someone inside. Brad, maybe? It really didn’t matter how they’d been found, the point being it was four guns against two, with one unarmed woman. And since the guns weren’t blazing, Boomer knew they wanted Kat alive…for now.

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