Waiting for Dusk
    “Great. I hope you make it instead of me,”
Katie said almost under her breath.
    “I hope we both make it. It will be so much
fun. Talk to you later.” She walked off with Matt down the
    When Katie got home later that day, she
reminded her mother about the book. “That girl has less than a week
to finish reading.”
    Her mother changed the subject. “Basketball
cheerleading tryouts are tomorrow? I ran into Sheri Taylor at the
grocery store. She said Jordyn was so excited. They’re helping her
practice at home. Want me to help you?”
    “No thanks, I’ve got this.” Katie would say
anything at that point so her mom would leave her alone.
    “Ty really wants to make the basketball team,
doesn’t he?” her mom continued. “Such a nice boy and so handsome
too. Don’t you think?”
    “Mom, stop it! Are you trying to play
matchmaker? First it’s cheer coach, and now this?”
    “I’m just trying to take an interest in your
life, sweetie. We working moms have to try harder.”
    “Well, don’t!” Katie thought that sounded a
little harsh. “Sorry, I’ve had a long day. I’m going to my room to
    “Before you go, I wanted to tell you that Dad
made a reservation at the state park for Labor Day. He really wants
to go fishing. Plus he’d love to have some more time with you. I’m
even calling you off school on Friday so we can get there a little
    “Great.” Katie said as she went up the
stairs. “I guess I better start practicing some cheers.”
    * * * *
    Katie nervously rubbed her hands together.
There was a part of her that wanted to make the cheer squad and
another that didn’t care. She watched the other girls warm up and
decided to join them.
    Jordyn ran onto the floor and stood next to
Katie. “I’m so excited. Just want to make it through to the final
    “Yeah, that’d be nice.”
    “There’s Erin. I think it’s time to
    The girls were called in groups of four to
perform a variety of school cheers. Katie barely watched the
proceedings until it was Jordyn’s turn. She did well and Katie was
positive she made the call-back list. When her turn came, she
mindlessly went through the routines and hoped for the best.
    When tryouts were over, Jordyn grabbed
Katie’s hand. “Meet you first thing Monday and we’ll check the list
    “Sounds good, I’ll see you then.”
    * * * *
    The following Monday, Katie met up with
Jordyn and headed to the gym. The results were posted on a bulletin
board in the hallway. Both girls were on the list.
    “We made it! One step closer.” Jordyn clapped
her hands together. “One more round and we’re in.”
    “I’ll practice with you tonight, if you
want,” Katie offered. She decided to make an effort if she made it
through to the final round.
    That night, after they practiced for a few
hours, Katie got a call from Jordyn. “Hey, didn’t I just see you?”
she teased.
    “I know, I’m sorry. I had to call and talk.
This is going to be the longest two days of my life. I hope we both
make it. I don’t want to do this without you.”
    “Listen, whatever happens, you did great. If
I don’t make it, you’ll be fine without me.”
    “I won’t be fine without you. You’re one of
my best friends. Besides, you could make the team and I won’t.”
    “You need to stop worrying so much. Whatever
happens, it was meant to be. Hey, Jordyn? I just got another call.
Gotta go.” Katie switched over to the new call.
    “Katie, do you have a minute? I need to go
over something with you.” Erin’s voice sounded hesitant. “I know
Jordyn’s your friend. She was good enough to make the final
callback but I’m not so sure about the team. She’s just not as good
as you.” There was a silence.
    “It’s not my choice, Erin. It’s yours and the
other girls.” Katie didn’t know where this was going.
    “Yes, but the other girls look up to me,
being the senior captain.”
    “I think Jordyn would make

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