Wait for Me

Wait for Me by Sara Tessa

Book: Wait for Me by Sara Tessa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Tessa
smartphones. Biting my lower lip, I hesitantly inserted the PIN code that I had seen him use when he dropped me off at college that day. It was his date of birth – I had seen it a hundred times on his customer I.D. I started to scan through his apps: some games, finance memos, newspapers. More curious, I clicked on his Photo Gallery:
Family Album
Climbing Album
Y Album
. Naturally, I clicked on the latter. I found myself before a reel of erotic images of women in compromising poses; poses of the bondage variety.
    It was at that moment that I understood the extent of his perversion. I found a subfolder of videos. Perturbed and unsure, I clicked, only to watch Adam fucking a woman who was gagged and bound by ropes. I watched the whole disgusting spectacle. The telecom rang. I turned it off, tied my hair into a messy ponytail, slipped into jeans and a sweater and went to the door. With each step, I became less and less sure that I was ready to see him again. I knew that he had commitment issues and I knew that he liked to dominate, but I was not prepared for this. I turned the handle and froze, lacking the courage to let him all the way in. He pushed the door open from the other side.
    â€œSorry I took so long, I warmed some pasta,” he said, strolling in and kissing me. “Come on, I’m starving.” He took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom.
    I fixed my blanket on the floor. We sat down and Adam pulled out a bottle of Chianti and a tray of lasagna. Great – more lasagna, I thought.
    â€œI get it from Frank’s on 2 nd Avenue. It’s exceptional.”
    I grabbed the plate and took a tiny portion.
    â€œIs that all you’re having?” he asked.
    â€œYeah, I’m not that hungry, it’s 1 a.m.,” I muttered.
    â€œWell, I’m starving, I used a lot of energy tonight—” he joked. I barely smiled.
    â€œAre you tired?”
    â€œNo, just puzzled about something.”
    Adam tilted his head uncertainly. “What something? About me?”
    I knelt down closer to him.
    â€œCan I kiss you?” I asked, a few inches away.
    He smiled, stroking my arms and placing his hands on my neck.
    â€œBut don’t touch me… I’ll kiss
    He looked at me bewildered.
    â€œCan I?” I asked again.
    â€œOf course.”
    â€œClose your eyes.”
    He bit his lip and looked intrigued. I knew this must have seemed juvenile, but I needed to know. I needed to know that he could be gentle, that he was capable of receiving love and controlling his urges. He closed his eyes and rested his hands on his knees. I edged towards his lips and paused for a few seconds, inches away, before kissing him lightly. He immediately leaned into me.
    â€œDon’t move.”
    He relaxed his neck, leaned against the side of the bed and closed his eyes again. “I’m all yours,” he said, smiling seductively.
    I moved closer again, a breath away from his lips, and held my position. I kissed him lightly again, then again, my tongue caressing his lower lip. With the slightest pressure, I slipped it into his mouth. I touched his tongue and then recoiled, sealing his moist lips with another kiss. I did it again. And then once more. And again. I nibbled his lower lip and then went back into his mouth. Our breathing became heavier and our kisses more eager. Suddenly, the CCTV notification sounded and I snapped back to reality. I instinctively turned to look at the monitor and then returned to the kiss. He was staring at me with a strange mixture of excitement and concern.
    I leaned back and sat cross-legged, picking up the plate and taking another bite of lasagna. I chewed it slowly and asked him a sanctioning question.
    â€œYou won’t hurt me, right?”
    â€œNo,” he replied seriously, taking the plate out of my hands. “But it’s risky leaving me like this.” He swept me underneath him. “I’m hungry for something

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