
Wagonmaster by Nita Wick

Book: Wagonmaster by Nita Wick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nita Wick
would condemn her as an incompetent doctor. They would blame her. And nothing she could say would change things. She took a deep breath and braced herself for the worst. She met the grieving father’s gaze. Her heart ached at what she saw.
    â€œYes, Mr. Adams?” There was no point in avoiding the man.
    â€œWas it my fault?” he asked, his voice low and unsteady.
    Stunned by his question, it took her a moment to realize what he’d asked, what he must be thinking. Even then she was unsure if he’d really asked her that question. “I beg your pardon?”
    His chin rose, and he swallowed audibly. Mrs. Adams stood next to him, her head bowed, crying silent tears. “I wouldn’t let my wife send for you at first. I waited too late, didn’t I? It’s my fault my boy is dead.”
    Addie wasn’t certain what she should say. The possibility existed. She might have been able to save the child if treatment had begun sooner, but she’d never know for certain if the boy would have lived. Mrs. Adams lifted her gaze, the anguish behind the tears enough to wrench anyone’s heart. Addie looked at Joshua. Shadows veiled his face beneath the brim of his hat, but his eyes held no emotion and no answer to her dilemma.
    Joshua’s comforting words echoed through her head, and she knew she could not be completely truthful with the grieving father. “Mr. Adams, I’ve yet to meet anyone who could defy God’s will.” Tears filled her eyes, but she struggled to hold them at bay. “God called His little angel home, and nothing either of us could have done would have changed that.”
    Mrs. Adams let out the breath she’d been holding and grasped her husband’s elbow. Mr. Adams nodded stiffly. He settled his hat atop his head and put an arm around his wife’s shoulder. Thick with unshed tears and bottled emotion, his voice shook. “Thank you, Mrs. Reynolds, for...” He faltered and cleared his throat. Sorrow-filled eyes met hers for an instant, but the pain in them had lessened. “Thank you.” He dipped his head to Joshua and steered his wife back to the wagon.
    Addie turned to find Joshua watching her. He gave her a smile and held out his hand. She placed her hand in his, and he led her back to her wagon.
    â€œYou lied to Mr. Adams.” His soft words might have been an accusation, but the statement lacked the sound of disapproval.
    â€œIt wasn’t a lie, really. Perhaps it just wasn’t the whole truth.”
    â€œYou might’ve been able to save the boy if Adams had sent for you sooner.”
    â€œWe’ll never know that for certain. It’s like you said. It was God’s will.” They reached her wagon, and he stopped. She shrugged. “I think I would have been able to ease his suffering sooner, but Mr. Adams doesn’t need to know that. He is hurting enough as it is.”
    Joshua touched her cheek with his other hand. “You continue to amaze me, Addie. Mr. Adams has done nothin’ but harass you since you joined the train. And yet you would hide the truth to keep from hurtin’ him.”
    She couldn’t resist the urge to turn her face into his warm palm. “I’m just grateful he doesn’t blame me.”
    His lips brushed her forehead, soft and tender. “You need to fix yourself some supper now.”
    â€œI’m not really hungry. I think I’ll—”
    â€œWhen was the last time you ate, Addie?” His voice held a chastising tone.
    â€œI….” Her brows drew together.
    â€œYou can’t even remember, can you?” His frown revealed his irritation. “You need to eat. I want you to fix yourself a hot meal. Do you understand? I don’t want you gettin’ sick.”
    Addie sighed. “You’re right. Will you join me?”
    His frown softened, but he shook his head. “It’ll be dark soon. I need to ride out and inspect the

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