Voodoo Kiss

Voodoo Kiss by Jayde Scott

Book: Voodoo Kiss by Jayde Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayde Scott
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stubborn and let me have a look. If that thing doesn't work soon, we might end up having to think about sleeping quarters for the night because there's no way she'll give up."
    "I heard that," Cass yelled. Her voice echoed in the distance. The snow crackled beneath our feet. I watched in horror as a huge chunk of snow broke off from one of the mountains and rained down the pit.
    "Not only will we freeze to death, we'll also die buried beneath a huge layer of snow," I whispered.
    Thrain laughed. "I didn't know you were psychic as well. Beauty and talent, now that's quite a catch."
    I found myself laughing with him as his words kept replaying in my mind. Forget the talent remark, he found me beautiful. I had heard that one before, but coming from him it actually meant something. I really hoped he meant it and it wasn't the usual pick up line he told every girl.
    "Are you two courting or what? Come on, we haven't got all eternity," Cass yelled.
    "For a moment I was inclined to believe we did, Cass, because that's how long this is taking," Thrain answered. Cass grinned back and motioned us to hurry up. I peered at them, wondering how long they had been friends that they felt so at ease around one another. A pang of jealousy grabbed hold of me, not because I didn't like them to be friends, but because I wished I had known Thrain for so long. I didn't doubt for a second once this mission was over, he'd return to his world and I'd return to mine. I had known him for all of five minutes and already the thought of never seeing him again was unbearable.
    We reached Cass and walked through another portal. This time I didn't close my eyes. I expected to see something like a tunnel—in fact, anything that might resemble a wormhole or a door surrounded by kaleidoscope colors—but apart from the static in the air that made my hair rise, there was nothing. One moment we were on one side, and the next we were on the other. I scanned the new area, surprised to see yet more snow. I wondered whether Cass's phone had malfunctioned again and the portal had spit us out in the same spot as before until I saw smoke rising from a chimney in the distance.
    "Well done, Cass," Thrain said. His praise sounded genuine. Cass beamed and punched some more on her phone until the hip-high snow cleared away, leaving a clear path in front of us that led to the miniature of a medieval mansion with beautiful, little towers and bay windows. I craned my neck to get a better view. The sun reflected in the thick glass, making it impossible to peer inside, but I could make out pink curtains with lace and flower details. The wooden door looked massive; I doubted two men would be able to kick it in. In New York, it would cost a fortune.
    "Wow," Thrain whispered. I thought he was just as impressed as I was until he continued, his words baffling me. "Poor Patricia. This place is a fortress indeed." It didn't look like one to me. More of a nice holiday resort, and an inviting one at that, what with the wooden sign advertising MAGIC CUPCAKES.
    Cass knocked on the huge brass lion doorknocker. A moment later, a girl around my age opened. Her smile froze on her lips as she peered from Cass to Thrain and then back to Cass, paying me no attention at all. I stared at her red hair, milky complexion and the stunning green eyes. If it wasn't for her larger bosom, rounder hips and less freckles, I could have sworn she was Cass's twin.
    "You're kidding me. What do I own the pleasure of yet another visit from you?" the girl asked. Her voice betrayed her surprise, but also wariness. Her eyes sparkled, though I wasn't sure whether with joy or malice.
    "Oh, shut up, Patty. Let us in. We're freezing to death in this forsaken part of the world," Cass said, pushing past her. "It's not even on Google Maps ."
    I hesitated, unsure whether to follow, until the girl heaved an exaggerated sigh and motioned us to come in.
    "Thank you," I mumbled.
    "I'm Patricia," she said, closing the door behind

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