Virginblood (Seven Brides for Seven Bastards, 4)
one upon
the other. By bending forward slightly, she let her breasts hang
just enough to feel their heaviness increase and the pinch of her
tight nipples catch against her bodice, increasing her naughty
pleasure. Arching her back, she quickly hitched her gown and shift
higher to feel the slap of cold air on her bottom. Ah, yes. Yes.
Now she pressed her fingers against her pussy lips and rubbed
    * * * *
    Ramon d'Anzeray was amused. So this
was what the pious little maid did when she dashed off to the
threshing barn. He hunkered down in the straw behind her and
watched, enjoying a full view of her round, pink bottom and the
pretty, ripe fruit of her sex as her small fingers worked away at
the rosy, glistening wet nether mouth. She almost sank onto her
belly as her knees spread wider, and her peach was so slick that
her fingers slipped inside now, between the folds.
    Although he'd spent his load only
recently, his prick was already hard again as he watched this
unwitting performance. Innocent, prim Jeanne—she who blushed at the
tamest of saucy jokes, lectured other folk on their moral lapses,
and never looked at Ramon and his brothers with anything but
disdain—apparently enjoyed riding bareback on the one-hand
    He thrust his own hand inside his
chausses and hastily straightened out his swelling cock. From where
he watched he could hear the soft, wet sound of her fingers moving
in and out, up and down. If he crept closer he would smell her
musk. But then she might become aware of his presence. Might hear
his harsh breath.
    What did that matter? He shook his
head, grinning. He'd take her from behind before she could even cry
out in surprise. The wench was more than ready.
    She would protest, of course, scream
curses at him. Apparently she thought herself too fine for this
place and the people in it. How many times had he caught her
scowling at him, her lips pursed—no, her entire face pursed!
Although she was only Lady Isobel's maid, she had a curious sense
of superiority, a very high opinion of herself. No one could fault
her work for she was meticulous, diligent and kept herself busy,
but she also made no friends and created a distance between herself
and the other servants.
    The little maid was something of a
puzzle to Ramon, who had never met a woman so determined to avoid
him. A woman who would sooner pray than fuck.
    But suddenly here she was, on all
fours in the straw, slapping her pussy with quick, light pats that
made it grow even pinker. Her bottom quivered and her breath hissed
like raindrops falling on hot stone.
    Ramon curled his long fingers around
the root of his cock, feeling the hard pulse of his desire. He
stared at that juicy, ripe fruit as it blossomed under her slapping
fingers, the small, delicate pink flesh luring him in.
    He couldn't wait another minute.
Launching forward with the full force of his muscular legs, he
grabbed her by the back of her trembling thighs and as she shrieked
in alarm, he opened his mouth on her hot, wet cunt, pushing his
face into her so that she lost her balance and almost rolled head
over heels.
    * * * *
    Jeanne screamed as he came at her like
a bull from behind. She didn't know which of them it was, but
undoubtedly it was one of those fiends her mistress had wed. Who
else would assault a young maiden this way? They had no conscience,
no scruples, no sense of morality.
    The unseen mouth closed over her pussy
and forced a tongue into her, even as she scrambled to get away,
straw sliding under her, knees bruised on the hard earthen floor of
the barn. His fingers dug into her thighs, trying to drag her back
and hold her down. It seemed as if the more she struggled and
writhed, the more greedily he sucked and licked at her. The tip of
his serpent-like tongue flicked inside her pussy, prying open her
tight cleft and pushing her over the edge of her peak. To her
intense shame she could not stop it from happening, could not
prevent her body from

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