VINA IN VENICE (THE 5 SISTERS) by Kimberley Reeves Page B

Book: VINA IN VENICE (THE 5 SISTERS) by Kimberley Reeves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Reeves
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adorable,” Travis countered.
    Great!  How could she argue with that?  Besides, she didn’t want to miss kick-off either.  Vina loved football, and she always had fun with Travis .  Why spoil things just because she’d suddenly become aware of him as a man?  Surely, i f he could overlook a moment of insanity when they’d let their hormones take control, she could too.
    Determined to prove their relationship was the same as it had always been, Vina launched into a conversation about their joint real estate ventures.   And if she seemed to be talking faster than normal or rattling on about things they’d discussed before, Travis didn’t mention it.  She was relieved when they finally reached the stadium , and even managed to keep a smile on her face when she slipped Travis’ jacket on and held out her arms so he could roll the sleeves up .
    “It looks good on you,” he sai d with a grin.
    “Oh yes,” Vina did a little pirouette, “it’s a total fashion statement.”
    Travis grabbed the blanket and closed the trunk.  “Maybe you should consider modeling men’s sportswear.  I bet you’d sell millions.”
    “I’ll take that into consideration if the real estate thing doesn’t work out.”
    “That real estate thing had better work out.  I’ve entrusted half my savings to you and don’t relish going back to bartending to subsidize my income.”
    “You could always sell your Ferrari.”
    Travis casually dropped his arm across her shoulders as they began to walk.  “ And I suppose you would feel obligated to buy it?”
    “Of course,” she quipped, “that’s what friends are for.  I might even let you drive it once in awhile.”
    “That’s one of the things I love you ,” he said dryly .   “ You’re all heart, baby.”
    By the end of the second quarter, Vina began to relax and was acting more like her old self.   Travis had been extremely cautious about doing anything that would put her on edge again, biding his time until h alfway into the third quarter.  Their team had just scored a touchdown and was leading by three points, and the crowd was beginning to settle down as the other team took possession of the ball.
    It had gotten progressively colder as the afternoon wore on, and he’d noticed with amusement that although Vina was shivering, she stubbornly refused to ask for the blanket.  Her jaws were clenched to keep her teeth from chattering, and she’d buried her hands between her knees for warmth.  It was time to throw his sweet, little Vina off balance again.
    “Give me your hand,” he said.
    “Wh-what?” Vina looked startled .
    “You heard me.  And don’t argue.  Just as I thought,” his tone was reproachful as she hesitantly slipped her icy fingers into his outstretched palm.  Travis enveloped her hand between his own, gently rubbing warmt h back into it before taking her other hand and doing the same.  “You should have said something.   You don’t want to fly off to Venice with a bad cold, do you? ”
    “N-no.  I g-guess I didn’t realize it w-was getting so ch-chilly.”
    “Here, let’s get you warmed up.”  He spread the blanket over their laps then slipped his arm around Vina and pulled her snugly to his side.  “Better?”
    “Uh , huh .”
    Travis fought to keep the smile off his face.  Beside him, Vina was stiff as a board, al though her body temperature was steadily creeping higher .  A sidelong glance at her stony expression convinced Travis she was floundering for control of her emotions, despite the impassive façade.  Her cheeks were flushed , though her complexion was pale, and she was gnawing on her bottom lip.
    He wasn’t entirely unaffected by her nearness either.  The citrusy scent of Vina’s hair, the fire that burned all along his thigh where their legs touched, the feel of her head lightly resting on his shoulder ; combined, they were as heady as wine .  His senses were on serious overload , and if he wasn’t so sure

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