Viking Wrath
secure they will become. First we deliver a message to Mark of Tintagel and then we sail north."
    I had the captives loaded aboard the grain ship and had ten of Arturus' warriors crew the ship. We sent them north to return home. We had enough warriors left to do what we had to do and I wanted my people to know that there was hope for Kara and Elfrida. The men of On Corn Walum would be sent to work in the iron mines and those they replaced would be given their freedom. That was my way.
    I decided to leave at dawn to travel to Tintagel. This would not take long. Snorri had told us that there were less than twenty men guarding the entrance to the bridge over the gorge. In the mood my men were that would not be a problem. It took us almost two hours to reach the bridge. Snorri and Bjorn the Scout led ten Ulfheonar and they waited, unseen, close to the two wooden towers and gatehouse. We could have used fire arrows to destroy it but my four new Ulfheonar were keen to prove themselves. The six of them crept close to the wooden structure and waited.
    When I saw that they were in position I stood as did all of my men. The Ulfheonar all wore wolf cloaks and had painted faces. As the twenty men within the gatehouse peered in horror at the sight of my warriors which greeted them the six scouts leapt forward and using their shields threw Snorri and Harald up on to the walls. The two of them created chaos as they raced along the ramparts. Bodies fell as they ruthlessly killed the defenders. The other four then clambered up after them. We raced forward towards the wooden gate and panic set in amongst the guards. There were only six men but they were hard fighting warriors and they laid into the defenders with ruthless efficiency. By the time we reached the gates it was over. Six had fled across the bridge. The rest lay dead.
    "Make fires. I want this gatehouse burning. Sigtrygg, cut the ropes on the bridge. When that is done then rain fire arrows on the castle. They will put the fires out but they will use their precious supply of water to do so and the only way out of there until they repair the bridge is down the cliff! The need for water will madden them."
    My men enjoyed the irony. Their security was their doom. We could not take the castle but they could not escape without losing many men. Their only saviours were already sailing back to my land. When they did manage to escape from their own prison they would find a land without people. I had begun to punish Mark of Tintagel. But it was only the beginning. I had a long memory and I did not forgive hurt to my family.
    I walked to the edge of the cliff, "Mark of Tintagel find a hole in which to hide. Make it deep and far from here. When I have killed your sister than I will return and all of you will be destroyed!"
    In answer half a dozen arrows flew towards me. I took them on my shield.
    I turned my back on them to show my lack of respect for them and walked back to my cheering men. Even Wolf Killer nodded his approval.

Chapter 7
    We set fire to the port and the jetty. It could be rebuilt but that would take time and Mark of Tintagel would have time to reflect on his folly. Our biggest problem was of our own making. The two ships which had sunk in the estuary meant that we could only leave at high tide and we had to edge our way around the wrecks. Until they were cleared they would have to find somewhere else from which to set sail. My sailors who passed by the following year discovered that the port was abandoned. Our wrath had had a greater effect than they could possibly have expected.
    When we had negotiated the obstacles we set sail. I sat at the steering board and pored over the newly created maps with Aiden. We already had some information for the Romans had had a fort at Caer Cybi. The witch would not be there but at an ancient hill fort on the mountain which rose above the town. They called it a mountain but I had sailed along that coast and knew that it was not; it was a lump

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