Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance)
house and get his girls up.  Oswy’s so delighted at finding his long lost nephew that there is to be a feast tonight!”
    Emma’s face lit up, making her almost pretty, “A feast! Here?” she gasped.
    Her mother tutted impatiently “Unless we get help there won’t be anything my girl, now do as I say”
    Emma put her hand on the latch then turned “We’ll need music, shall I get Alfhold and his sons in for the shawm and the dancing?”
    Godgyth’s mouth straightened into a prim line “Hmm, I’m not sure about going that far” then on seeing Emma’s face fall, she shrugged “very well, what’s the harm just this once?”
    Grinning delightedly, Emma tripped past her mother and out onto the gallery which looked down into the hall.  “Thank you Luke, whoever you are” she muttered and almost danced down the stairs, very nearly colliding with two of the servants who were helping someone up them, a girl who had her head down. Emma saw a glimpse of a blonde plait but did not stop to examine the girl any further.  On reaching the bottom, she heard Oswy’s voice in the yard and turning to go out of the door she looked up as he came in with a stranger.  As she glanced at him she stopped dead in her tracks and felt her mouth go dry and her tongue swell.  Before her was the embodiment of all her dreams - the most wonderful man she had ever seen.  Everything about him was perfect, from his long blond wavy hair to his strong cleft chin, green, no hazel, eyes and broad shoulders.  He smiled, and she was lost.
    Oswy bustled in. “Come in Luke, do, I am sure Alodie will be alright, she was coming round when the servants took her in - ah Emma.  Luke, this is Emma, my stepdaughter.   Emma, this is Luke, my nephew” Oswy waved his pudgy hand expansively round the room “now lad, how do you like Bredond Hall?”
    Luke smiled, took Emma’s hand and drew it to his lips then bowed to her.  “I like it very much Uncle, both the hall and its contents are - very pleasing”
    Emma felt the blood rush to her head, she knew she must curtsey, knew she must say something but she was rooted to the spot, fully aware of how stupid she must appear. “Charmed, my lady” he continued
    “Godgyth!!” bellowed Oswy, catching sight of his wife at the top of the stairs “are those beds ready?”
    “The Good Lord bless us, Oswy.  Can you not see Asher and Blake carrying Aldred’s bed into Emma’s room this very minute and can you not also see me with clean linen and wolfpelts?  Emma, what are you doing, you should be at the thatcher’s - Emma - EMMA!” This last shrill rendering of her name snapped the stupefied young woman out of her reverie and, bobbing a curtsey to her stepfather and Luke, she rushed out of the door.
    Almost floating, she ran through the village to the thatcher’s house and, knocking on the door, gave Margaret, his daughter, instructions that she and her sister Anstice would be required to help at the hall for a feast tonight, then walking over to the cottage of Alfhold, informed him that he and his sons would be needed to play music for dancing.  Knuckling his forehead obligingly the old man expressed his delight at the news that there would be merriment at the hall again.
    As she walked back, Emma gave a little skip.  For the first time in her life she was glad she was not a blood relation of Oswy.  Before, she had felt left out as a stepchild, especially as he had doted on her two brothers,  she had yearned  to be Oswy’s true child, but not anymore, if she had been his child it might have made it difficult for her to marry her cousin Luke.
    Edwin had been lucky.  It was wild boar for supper with beans, peas and mushrooms, washed down with plenty of ale and mead.  Emma had been kept busy helping her mother oversee the meal and had not had a chance to see Luke again.  She had, however, caught a glimpse of his female companion as she went into her room to change for the

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