Viking Claimed (Triad Series Book 4)

Viking Claimed (Triad Series Book 4) by Kate Pearce Page B

Book: Viking Claimed (Triad Series Book 4) by Kate Pearce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Pearce
Tags: sci-fi historical
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wine, which was the only sustenance offered to them. It appeared meeting the Oracle involved several rituals, but they were both comfortable with that.
    There was no sign of Frey or Elli. Einarr told Aki that the females were being cared for by the Oracle’s own handmaidens and would meet them at the ceremony. Aki hoped that was true. He’d had an absurd dream that Elli’s fears about the Oracle had come true and he’d been mated with a strange blue plant.
    Even as they walked through the pink rays of the dawn’s early light, Aki carried with him a sense of unease. At the door to the inner sanctum of the Oracle, a group of people favored with an individual audience had already gathered. There were several parents with a young adult and many couples who seemed to be seeking their third. The atmosphere was taut with suppressed excitement marred with a hint of awe.
    Aki saw Ungar and Morek standing in front of a large golden door, their spears crossed in front of it. Neither man made eye contact. There was still no sign of Elli or Frey.
    Suddenly, a young woman with a tall headdress stepped forward and solemnly banged the gong hanging by the door three times. The massive doors opened and after Ungar and Morek stepped in behind her, the crowd was allowed to progress in to the inner sanctum.
    “Is that the Oracle?” Aki murmured to Einarr.
    “No, I believe that is Neeve, the Oracle’s First Daughter. She is mated to Ungar and Morek’s cousin Willow, and one of the Earth super soldiers, Ian Mac.”
    Aki studied the tall, gracious woman. She reminded him of someone he had met before but he couldn’t remember whom.
    “Neeve met Ian Mac on Earth and brought him and the other soldiers back to Pavlovan with her. She saved their lives.”
    “She has been on our world?” Aki marveled at all the connections that fate had allowed.
    “Aye.” Einarr steered Aki toward the back of the row of benches. “Ungar said we would be near the end of the ceremony. The presentation of the young adults always goes first.”
    Aki sighed and resigned himself to a long wait, aware of his inner tension as if he should be ready to fight a battle but unsure why. Was he picking up Elli’s uncertainty? He hoped not.
    The First Daughter raised her hands. “While we mourn the innocent Hakron lives taken by the Etruscans in Quoxor Province, we must still maintain our traditions. Nothing should stand in the way of our religion or our faith. To not celebrate would make us seem afraid. We ask that all who are mated here today make an offering to the Gods in the name of the Hakron dead and honor them.”
    There was a light touch on Aki’s shoulder and he looked around to see Morek behind him.
    “What is wrong, Viking?” Morek asked. “ I have seen Elli Slavin. She is beautiful. ”
    “ She’s here ?”
    “ Aye.” Morek frowned. “ You doubt her ?”
    “ Nay, I just feel that something isn’t right .”
    Morek patted his shoulder. “ I hope not. We’ve had enough excitement at this Temple in the last year to last us several lifetimes .”
    “ So Ungar told us. He said that Ian Mac is reorganizing the security. Perhaps there will be an opportunity for me here after all .”
    “ You should speak to Ian Mac when he returns next week. You will like him .”
    Ungar cleared his throat and glanced meaningfully at his twin. “It is almost time. We should progress to the front of the hall.”
    Aki stood and slowly followed his brother down to the bottom of the steps leading up to the dais where the Oracle sat on her throne surrounded by her priestesses and handmaidens. He hadn’t looked directly at her yet. There was something about the power shimmering around her and from within her that demanded respect.
    “ Frey ,” Einarr breathed his female’s name like a prayer.
    Aki hardly dare look to see if Elli Slavin was there as well. Only Einarr’s pointed nudge made him raise his head.
    She was there.
    Joy expanded in his chest, and Morek

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