Secret Seduction

Secret Seduction by Jill Sanders

Book: Secret Seduction by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
fingers inside her slick heat, slowly circling and toying until he could tell she was building and ready to explode. Looking up, he watched her and knew he’d never forget the look of Katie during a peak.

    Katie watched as he relaxed beside her and knew she had no plans for tonight to follow the same pattern as last night. Rolling onto her side, she slid her leg over his, running her hands over his bare chest. She watched as his eyes heated.
    “Shhh.” She put her fingers over his mouth, then ran her lips and tongue over his chest, enjoying rolling her tongue over his flat nipples until they peaked, much like hers had. She nibbled on them with her teeth and his hands went into her hair, trying to hold her still. She moved lower down his stomach, enjoying the play of muscles that ran down across each rib and over his muscular stomach. She loved his sexy six pack and couldn’t stop playing her fingers over the dips.
    When she came across a new scar on his left rib, she looked up at him.
    “Where did you get this?” She traced the line with her finger.
    “Hmm, I got nipped by a bull when you decided you wanted to take part in the running of the bulls in Spain.”
    “You were there for the festival?” She smiled, remembering the thrill she’d had climbing the fence, getting away from the bulls, not to mention the week long party she’d enjoyed. Oh, she’d never been in any real danger, but watching the bulls and people run by had been a thrill.
    “Yes, I got caught in the crowd and ended up in front of a very big, brown bull.” He ran his hands through her hair.
    She traced the line of his scar, happy to know that he’d somehow been a part of her reckless behavior. Then she ran her tongue over the line and he moaned, and she moved lower, past his belly button. He held onto her head until she used her teeth to pull his boxers down his narrow hips, then he fisted his hands beside him on the bed. She looked at him and noticed he was watching her with his clouded, dark blue eyes.
    Using her hands, she pushed his shorts lower over his sexy hips until finally she saw all of him. He was bigger than she imagined and she was starting to have second thoughts. But she never backed away from a challenge, and she saw him as just that.
    Running her hand over the length of him, she noticed that he was holding his breath and watching her very closely. She ran her fingers up and down him lightly, and he almost jumped in her hands.
    Smiling, she leaned over and placed a soft kiss on the head, then using her tongue, she rolled her mouth around the tip until she felt him go stiff. She licked the entire length from bottom to top and then took him into her mouth, deep into her throat, until she felt his hands in her hair again. He tasted sexy and she couldn’t get enough of enjoying him.
    Rolling her tongue around as she took him deep, she enjoyed the feel and taste of him as she pleased him. He moaned her name and she heard him begging her.
    “My God, Katie, I’m going to come in your mouth if you keep that up.” His hands were in her hair.
    She looked up into his eyes, “You promise?” Then she went back to torturing him until she felt his hot seed flood her mouth, and the tangy taste of him almost undid her. She lightly licked every inch of him clean.
    Then she moved up the bed and whispered, “Now we’re even.”
    He chuckled.“No, not even close,” he said and he pulled her co him.
    “Shh, Katie, I know what you want. Just let me hold you now.” He put his face into her hair and she could have sworn he started snoring.
    It had always been this way with him. Not them laying naked together, but he’d always been able to fall asleep quickly.
    When they had been living together, on nights when they were both free they’d end up watching old TV shows or movies in the living room. She would always hear him snoring

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