Vidal's Honor

Vidal's Honor by Sherry Gloag Page B

Book: Vidal's Honor by Sherry Gloag Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherry Gloag
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almost rocked her out of her saddle. Phillipe? Devlin’s batman and long-time friend? Surely not?
    She cast a look at Vidal’s stony features. According to her husband, Vidal had remonstrated with him when told that Honor was joining him in Spain. How had he known where to find Phillipe’s village? And why had he come out to bring her home if he’d disapproved so much?
    She wanted to gallop away from them all and almost laughed aloud. Her mule would probably die from the effort and a woman on her own stood no chance in such isolated countryside. Never in her life had she distrusted the people around her, and now she wondered whether she could trust any of them. Even Consuela.
    She’d have been safe if she’d remained behind with Dev’s family, but no, she’d insisted on travelling with them, and now look at her and Vidal.
    Honor snapped out of her depressing contemplation when her mount stumbled and she almost lost her seat.
    When had Vidal gone ahead? Casting an anxious glance over her shoulder, she urged her mule forward before she realised the animal had hurt itself when it tripped.
    She slid from the saddle and encouraged the mule forward. Her mount had injured its front leg and refused to put it to the ground. Her contemplation of going it alone had just become a reality.

Chapter Eight
    Why on earth had he snapped at Honor like that? And to accuse her of jealousy was beyond outrageous. Just because he wanted the woman, and couldn’t have her now any more than from the moment she’d chosen Devlin over him, was no reason to accuse her of lusting after the Spaniard, especially when it wasn’t true.
    In his stupid anger he’d overtaken her and left her to follow, even though he’d known she was so preoccupied she hadn’t noticed.
    And her question? She had a right to ask, even if it did offend him. Hadn’t he asked Lord Dundas the same one? And he hadn’t been given an answer either.
    The woods gave way to sloping grassland. He looked back and wondered why it hadn’t struck him and Juan that they’d only seen males in the village. He halted. Had it occurred to Juan? Had he been aware of the lack of women in the community, or had he thought they’d been taken alive?
    He judged the Spaniard and Consuela had widened the gap between him and Honor by at least half a mile.
    He spun round to search the empty path behind him. Where was she? She should be following him. Had she fallen back because of his disgraceful accusation? He couldn’t blame her if she had, but to do so was utter folly.
    Juan and Consuela rode on oblivious of his dilemma. Was Honor right in wondering whether the man was steering them toward the French and would, at some strategic point, desert them to their fate?
    If he tried to catch up with them the gap between them and Honor would widen, and if he didn’t the Spaniards wouldn’t know, and perhaps wouldn’t care what happened to them.
    To call out might draw unwanted attention.
    Not to do so would court disaster and increase the risk to their personal safety.
    He searched the path behind him and groaned. He’d have to go back and hope Juan would notice before too long that he and Honor no longer followed. He turned his mule and began retracing his steps when the sound of approaching hoofbeats had him wheeling about.
    â€œWhat is the matter?”
    â€œHonor has fallen behind.”
    Juan’s concern changed to anger. “Did you not keep her in view? I thought you were together.”
    â€œWe were, but I rode on ahead.” Vidal refused to admit his own stupid ego had caused him to drop his protective guard.
    â€œBah! We do not have time for this. Go and fetch her, and be quick. I will keep a look-out, but we cannot stay in one place for too long.”
    â€œThen I suggest you and Consuela join me as it will look better if we go as a party.” Vidal swung his mount back the way

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