Vampiris Sancti: The Elf
Empire and
the Markets of Prakiesh that sustained the most traffic. While the
human world was a favoured destination for many demons the ability
to enter often depended upon the ability to remain unobserved. Even
the Elf comprehended the value of maintaining the Veil of a world
that made demon paranoia look mild.
    The journey
through the doorway was a rough one with some of the more fragile
of the demons and humans unable to endure the travel. Most high
caste demons made it through without difficulty and the magical
with their ethereal physical structure had little issues during the
tempestuous crossing. All who encountered it explored the slice
between worlds, but not all worlds were receptive to visitors. Many
demon realms were not rife with friendship and tolerance with the
visitor perceived as invader, slave, or fair game.
    Over time
certain portals became known to arrive at specific destinations and
therefore, were frequently used more than others were, but this
didn’t remove the possibility of arriving at a wrong address. More
than one frazzled Elf could speak of months trapped in the Martyc
world, pursued by amorous males until desperation drove them to
live in a dissolve until they slipped through the portal
    Once a
destination had a positive confirmation, it was demon nature to
attempt to use the doorway to conquer all before them. They removed
themselves en masse only to discover their home worlds occupied by
others upon return. This ring of conquer the next world landed them
in a bloody war for eons, ending only after the entry of the
magical world—a realm that could wreak eternal chaos upon everyone.
The humans were proving impossible to restrain, and the more they
developed the less afraid they became of things that went bump in
the night. The old ghost stories fell by the wayside, Vampire
adventures became tales to entertain, the Fairy was relegated into
cute ornaments for children, and demons were gleefully killed by
supernatural television heroes. There was no recourse but to
instigate a treaty that kept everyone safe and the human world in
ignorance for as long as possible. This world became the jewel of
the Martycs and even the magical being was wary of openly
aggravating an Empire determined to protect its resources. The
peace proved advantageous for all as the Reveal became the
superhighway for inter-world travel, the road of trade, the source
of entertainment, and in turn created a multiverse where all could
    Love in action
is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams.
    Zyre took one
look at the horde of startled angry Vampires—grabbed Beb and
dissolved across town until she found an unoccupied roof.
    Exhausted by
transporting them both such a distance she flopped down muttering,
“Blinkity, bothersome blinkity.”
    Due to her
erratic companion she found herself in the unenviable position of
being an uninvited guest to a Vampire auction and she knew the
Ghuvk would squawk like a bunch of Viznix parrots. They would go
straight to the Xatn—the one beast she was trying to hide from—to
complain about the ones who defiled the private proceedings of
Vampires. The last thing she needed was more eyes looking for her
and the thought had her throwing annoyed bothersomes into the night
air. Too traumatized to squeak the Pixie fluttered around as she
ate the last of her precious chocolate while focusing on a swift
recovery. Zyre was not taking any more chances because there was a
Varkja who had her scent, about a hundred Vampires who had her
face, and a Martyc desperate to find her.
    “I saw Varkja
and Vampires! Varkja! Vampires!”
    A terrified Beb
repeated it as if the concept of demon creatures was a new
    “Yes and they
saw us back!” she replied, furthering the panic of her
    “What do, what
do?” Beb fluttered in demented circles, repeating the question as
if a mantra to calm.
    Zyre knew that
once a Pixie was full of

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