of birth certificate for you.’
    ‘I can do that!’ Archie announced. ‘I can easily do that on the computer. I can also make up a doctor’s note that says you’ve got some rare spinal disease and are wearing a big back brace that you’re embarrassed about. So you wear strange clothing to hide it. It would also excuse you from Phys-Ed.’ His eyes grew even bigger as he started to extend his idea. ‘I know!’ he added. ‘We can say that you’ve got a weird skin problem so you can’t touch anyone or let them touch you. That way, you can wear your coat and gloves all day. And, because we’re pretending you’re from Denmark, if we write the notes in something that looks like Danish it’ll be even easier to fool everyone!’
    Archie’s enthusiasm was catching as they thought more about how to hide Freya’s true identity. By the end of lunch, they had created a whole story for her to tell the school.
    While they used Tamika’s computer to create the false documents, Alma disappeared into her sewing room to work on the cover for Freya’s wings.
    When they left the Johnson house in the early evening, Freya felt prepared for her first day at school.

    F reya was restless. It was long past midnight and she still did not feel the need for sleep. Archie had already gone to bed and there was nothing left to do.
    ‘What are you doing?’ Orus asked as he watched her pull on her armour and gauntlets. Then she attached the sword to her side and walked to the back door.
    ‘I can’t stay here watching television all night,’ she said. ‘Let’s go for a short flight. I need to stretch my wings.’
    ‘But it’s raining. We’ll get soaked.’
    Freya sighed. ‘A little rain never hurt anyone.’
    ‘How do you know? This is Midgard rain, not Asgard. Maybe it has something in it that will damage our feathers.’
    Freya burst out laughing. ‘Nice try, Orus. Now, come on, you need exercise too.’
    Orus ruffled his feathers in disappointment. ‘What about your helmet?’
    ‘Not tonight. I want to see the city with my own eyes and not have it changed by the helmet’s powers.’
    Rain was coming down in heavy sheets, which limited visibility to a few short metres as Freya entered the back yard.
    Opening her wings, she ran and leaped into the air. With one powerful wing beat, she climbed higher in the sky. After several more beats, she was gliding over the rooftops of Lincolnwood.
    ‘Where do you want to go?’ Orus called.
    Freya’s eyes caught sight of Chicago’s glowing skyline in the distance. ‘That way,’ she pointed. ‘Let’s go see the city.’
    Knowing they had until sunrise, Freya played in the sky with Orus. She flew circles around the raven and won every race against him. By the time they reached the large city, the rain was forgotten as the two laughed from the sheer delight of flying again.
    Without her helmet’s protection, Freya remained higher in the sky. But her curiosity tugged at her and she couldn’t resist the temptation to land on the flat roof of a building. It offered an amazing view of the city.
    ‘Look at all the lights! It’s so beautiful here at night, isn’t it?’ She walked around, wide eyed, taking in the sights and staring down at the world below. The rain made the streets glow in the cars’ headlights.
    ‘It is,’ Orus agreed as he settled on her shoulder. ‘But I’d be feeling better if you’d brought your coat. There are tall buildings with windows all around us and we don’t want anyone to see you.’
    ‘I didn’t want my coat to get wet,’ Freya said. She stepped up to the edge of the flat roof and peered down at the late-night traffic. Because of the late hour and foul weather, there wasn’t a lot happening on the street.
    The sound of gunshots in the distance suddenly shattered the city’s silence. Freya ran to the other side of the roof and peered down. ‘It came from that direction!’
    ‘Oh no,’ Orus warned. ‘I know what you’re

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