Valan's Bondmate

Valan's Bondmate by Mardi Maxwell

Book: Valan's Bondmate by Mardi Maxwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mardi Maxwell
froze and wiggled again as she heard him suck in a deep breath. A moment later he swatted her again then shoved her off his lap and stormed away.
    She stayed on the floor for a few nano-units then jumped up and ran into the bathing chamber and slammed and locked the door. A second later it crashed open and Valan stormed in backing her up until she was against the wall and his chest was only inches from her nose.
    "Never, ever, lock a door between us. Do you understand?"
    She nodded, then answered, "Yes, Valan."
    He grunted an acknowledgement then stalked out. She closed the broken door then rubbed her aching bottom and mumbled every curse she knew, directing them at him. Tears of pain and rage ran down her cheeks and fell onto her breasts. They ached where the warriors had groped her as if their touch had somehow marked her. She touched them and then saw the golden bands on her arms sparkle in the mirror. She slapped her hands over the bands, cursing him again before she stepped into the shower determined to wash his scent from her body. 

Chapter Five
    The next cycle she refused to speak to him and gave him icy glares every time she caught him looking at her. He ignored her until it was time to go to bed. When he ordered her to join him, she gave him a haughty look and tried to slip into the bed with her gown on.
    "Don't even try it, Lia."
    She ignored his warning. Before she could lie down, the gown was ripped from her body and tossed into the air. Her back hit the mattress before the gown landed on the floor.
    Valan loomed over her in the dimness of the room. "How many more gowns do you have?"
    When she opened her mouth to curse him, he took possession of it.
    The next two nights followed a similar pattern, but the fifth night after they'd eaten she fixed herself a third glass of Zarronian wine. He'd tried to take it away from her but she grabbed it and chugged it down before she glared at him and slammed the glass down on the table. Valan sipped his ale and watched her. She'd laughed at his expression, and feeling slightly tipsy she danced for him. Half-way through the erotic, enticing dance, he'd tossed her over his shoulder and carried her to the bed. On the short trip, she'd managed to slide her hands beneath the waistband of his pants and give his tight buttocks a squeeze. His growl of warning drew more laughter from her as he dropped her to the bed and came down over her. Her last thought, before his mouth took hers was the beast wasn't so ferocious after all.
    The next morning she threw the scraps of cloth in the disposal unit, then stalked to the closet. Only four gowns remained. If he didn't stop ripping them off she wouldn't have anything to wear to the classes he insisted she attend. The thought of Educator Seligson and the way he and the other warriors treated her nearly had her in tears. She was already having trouble with Valan and now she'd have to deal with the Educator.
    She'd adjusted her battle plan but nothing she did worked. Before she could figure out what she was doing wrong the door slid open and Valan arrived to escort her to the first class. He didn't speak until they reached the classroom and even then he only reminded her he would come to escort her back to their quarters. Then, with an irritating pat on her bottom, he told her to behave and left.
    Her first cycle of class was a miserable experience. The old Educator disliked the other women and treated them contemptuously, but he truly hated her.
    If she sat quietly, he asked if she was bored. If she tried to show interest, and ask questions, he barked at her not to interrupt him. Even the other women, some she knew from her village, quickly caught on that anyone who befriended her would receive the same treatment. By the end of the first class none of the women would speak to her and several actually moved to seats further away.
    When Valan arrived to get her, Educator Seligson ordered her to wait in the corridor while he spoke to him.

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