Up for Love in London
Up for Love in London
    A Flight
Attendant Romance

Edition~Copyright 2014 Willow Bonaire
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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of
the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is
purely coincidental.
    Chapter 1 ~ Champagne
    Chapter 2 ~
Up in the Air
    Chapter 3 ~
Loving London
    Chapter 4 ~
Dinner and Dessert
    Chapter 5 ~
    Chapter 6 ~
    Chapter 7 ~
His Christmas Secret
    Chapter 8 ~
The Morning After
    Chapter 9 ~
Now or Never
    Chapter 10
~ A New Year’s Resolution
    About the
    “ Up for Love”

    It’s late on
Tuesday night and I’m checking my schedule for next month. I’ll be
flying to London every weekend in December, which means I’ll be
away on both Christmas and New Year’s Eve. How many flight
attendants want to be away from their loved ones on those special
days? Just the juniors and ones like me that are travelling solo.
But I don’t care. If I’m serious about forgetting my most recent
romantic misadventure, London is a good place to be. The lights and
decorations will be a pleasant diversion, and might help to relieve
my post-breakup blues.

    CHAPTER 1 ~Champagne Dreams
    It’s been two months since Brad and
I split and the sting of it has mostly passed. I remember the times
we spent together spent in Paris, the most romantic city in the
world – our long walks through the Luxembourg Gardens, snuggling on
the Bateaux Mouche as we cruised along the Seine or frolicking in
the crisp white sheets of our five-star hotel, just a block from
the Eiffel Tower. We never had layovers together in London, so I
won’t have to worry about memories haunting me. And even though
he’s a pilot, I doubt I’ll ever see him on that route.
    I’m a bit
surprised that I’ll be working in the first class galley, or
kitchen, every trip. That’s what I get for drinking while bidding
for my schedule. A slip of the finger on the keyboard and you could
end up in Yellowknife.
    It’s not
exactly a hardship to work first class, though it does require more
discipline and finesse. It might even be fun, especially on the
weekends, when a more relaxed crowd is on board. I like the British
upper crust as long as they’re not too crusty. And if they are, the
in-charge flight attendant, or purser, aka my boss-on-board, can
soothe their ruffled feathers.
    After checking
my mailbox in the crew lounge, I clear security and buy a coffee
airside. I reach the gate early, but the bridge is hooked up and
the groomers are finished cleaning the aircraft, so I’m free to
    It’s a super
sleek Boeing -777 or a Triple-Seven as we call it. It’s only
recently been delivered, so it still has that new-plane smell. I
love that everything seems sparkly and shiny. I’m afraid it won’t
take long till the crowds in coach beat it into submission. First
class seems to stay fresh for a lot longer. Maybe it’s the
passengers, maybe it’s the materials. Nonetheless, I’m starting to
feel good about being here tonight.
    The catering
truck pulls up and when the driver opens the front galley door, a
blast of frigid air sweeps through the aisles. I quickly press a
button to warm up the

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