Up All Night Long: From Lust to Love (Romance Anthology)

Up All Night Long: From Lust to Love (Romance Anthology) by Ali Parker

Book: Up All Night Long: From Lust to Love (Romance Anthology) by Ali Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Parker
"Anywhere we can sit down and talk for a few minutes? I need to interview you for your award and then get a few shots."
    "Jump shots or pictures?" He smiled and turned to point to a small office at the edge of the court. "My office is over there, but let's do the picture first while I'm nice and sweaty. It will give the kids a nice laugh when they see the paper."
    She smiled and shook her head, the smell of her perfume rising up to clog his senses. "No jump shots for me. It's been far too long since I've played basketball."
    He turned to walk beside her, looking over as she looked up at him. She had to be one of the most beautiful women he'd seen in the last few years. Having moved to Maine from Texas, the scenery changed, and for that he was grateful. The less trouble to get into - the better.
    "Where do you want me?" He leaned over and picked up the basketball, turning to watch her eyes move across his lower half until she reached his gaze. She took a shaky breath, the flushed skin around her neck making her level of comfort obvious to him.
    "How about by the basketball hoop and then we can take one outside if you want?"
    He nodded and moved toward the hoop, standing beneath it with the ball tucked under his arm and a smile on his face. A long drip of sweat raced down the side of his face, over his neck, and tickled the skin of his chest. He reached up to rub it as she clicked the picture.
    "You have to stay still for the shot." She moved the camera and smiled over the top of it.
    He shrugged and got back into position. "What? It tickled."
    She took a few shots and then pointed to the door at the far end of the gym. "Wanna take a few outside?"
    "Let's do the interview. Let me stop sweating first."
    "I thought you wanted sweaty pictures."
    He laughed and chucked the ball across the gym. "Oh I do, but the sweat would turn into sweatcicles on me out there."
    She shook her head and moved beside him, pulling her camera back onto her shoulder.
    "You play any sports?" He moved ahead, reaching to hold the door open as she walked in. His eyes moved down the perfect slope of her lower back, the subtle curve of her hips demanding his attention. He let out a soft sigh and coached himself to stay focused.
    She sat and crossed her legs, leaning forward as she laid a small tablet of paper on his cluttered desk. He walked around the desk and sat down, reaching for a white towel to wipe his forehead with. His eyes never left contact with hers as he wiped his head and face, shifting to pull his jacket off before letting out a sigh. "Much better."
    She laughed and he couldn't help but smile. "Why were you wearing a coat while playing basketball?"
    He leaned back and took her in, a smile playing on his lips at the soft curve of hers. "I was outside with the kids most of the afternoon and it's freezing here."
    "Not from the northeast I take it?"
    He shook his head. "No, I'm a country boy at heart, but don't tell anyone. I have a good thing going here for being a hard ass."
    She chuckled again and stared a moment longer than one might consider natural. Her cheeks colored pink as she glanced down at her paper, clearing her throat. "Okay, well I don't want to waste your time, so let's get on with the interview part."
    He nodded and took full advantage of her attention being elsewhere as he studied her. She had no idea how beautiful she was. It was apparent by the slight slope of her shoulders, her smile not reaching her eyes. Something had happened to her and he hated the fact that he wanted to know what. Knowing would only cause him to want to break his own promises to himself. No dating until he was healed from Bethany. No getting involved on a spur of the moment fling or falling in love with the next beautiful woman who walked into his life.
    He was jaded and he was happy to stay that way. Loneliness would subside enough to get through the demands of the day, but heartbreak was always present.
    Hell no. Not interested.
    "So tell me what you love

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