Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1
her limbs, but, if she was honest, it was disappointment that made her skin feel tight. And a boatload of hurt. This was the ultimate rejection. Maiya got up from the bed and tossed on some sweats and a T-shirt. She needed a damn cigarette.
    When she got downstairs and lit up, she sent a text to Jodi. Dinner was awesome. Came back to my room. We fooled around. A LOT and then he stopped and just left! WTF??? I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I’m too upset to talk now. Luv u.
    Why in the hell had he taken her to a nice dinner? Why come up to her room? She leaned back on the bench and listened to the occasional passing car. Confusion raced through her mind. Making sense of this was impossible. Everything had been perfect, hadn’t it? They hadn’t had sex, not real sex anyway. She got off, and he did too, but didn’t he want to close the deal? Maybe he didn’t think she was good enough for actual sex.
    The way Ryan knew her body scared her. The way her body responded to him scared her more—but, she hadn’t wanted it to end. Even now, her body still tingled. Maiya wasn’t the kind of woman who took orders from anyone, the bedroom was no exception, but she found she wanted to please him. The more she acquiesced to what he wanted, the more he wanted her. It was a dance. A choreographed masterpiece. And though she’d never done this routine before, she fell right in step with him. With ease and without thought, she gave him what he wanted and then he turned all his pleasure on her.
    It was power. And it was wonderful.
    Didn’t he understand, or did he simply not care? He couldn’t realize the gift she’d given him. Maiya shuddered and rubbed her arms. She’d given him her heart before they even got to the hotel room. With willingness she laid herself bare and leaped off the ledge.
    Instead of catching her, he let her fall.
    Maiya brushed away the wetness dripping down her cheeks and took a drag of her cigarette. Damn, this stung. She’d get over it though. Come hell or high water, she’d do it. No matter how much it hurt right now. Maiya would head home tomorrow and wouldn’t have to see him in person for a while. Sure, she’d have to deal with him on the project, but outside of that, she wouldn’t speak to him.
    This wasn’t supposed to be some sort of happy-ever-after. People like her didn’t have happy endings. They just did what they had to in order to survive. This was no different.
    Ryan Donnelly was about to become a mistake she put behind her. Not the first, but God willing, the last. She put out her cigarette and headed inside. “Pick myself up, dust myself off…” She sang getting on the elevator. A bath and a good night’s sleep were in order. Tomorrow was her last day in town. She’d work, meet with her team, have lunch with Jodi and be on her way back home. Home was safe.
    She ran the bath and her phone buzzed with a reply from Jodi. Glancing at the screen, Maiya tied up her hair and then slipped into the warm water without responding. She closed her eyes and tears ran down her cheeks.
    Tomorrow was another day, but it was still today. And right now, today sucked.
    Maiya soaked until the water cooled, and then made her way to the bed. Her chest ached and her head throbbed from crying. She turned on her side and curled herself around a pillow, willing the visions of Ryan to leave her mind. But she had a feeling it would be a while before they were gone.
    Damn him.
    Guilt burned hot in his gut and Ryan cursed himself a thousand different ways on the drive home. He knew he hurt her. She’d be fine though. Her pride might be a little bruised, but that was all. Yeah, and maybe if he kept telling himself that story he might believe it. The burn crept up to his throat, bringing with it a vile taste of regret.
    Ryan stepped into the dark kitchen and set his keys down harder than normal. He’d fucked up his chance with her. He knew it. Hell, she’d started crying. He could still see the subtle trembles in

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