house, mentally calculating which room was Fan’s. A curtain twitched suspiciously at the far left bedroom, and a cold smile curved on his face.
    So that was it, she was avoiding him. Remembering their last night together, he wasn’t totally surprised. Fan was probably embarrassed, and was now treating him like he had the plague.
    He grinned openly now. Every time he thought about that night he laughed. Fan had gotten more than tipsy—and probably had a colossal headache the next day to show for it. And no self-respecting woman got flushed and treated the town to a delightful rendition of an Irish folk song. But then again, there weren’t many Frances Pembertons in Cape May.
    If he didn’t know better, he would think she was from the Irish wards. But Fan was Fan, a delight to him, a scandal to society. He had never met a woman who was more real, more alive, and so intriguing. He chuckled out loud as he recalled the Misses Mitchell asking him pointedly about their outing, hoping to hear something outlandish. Instead he had told them the truth. Fan was simply the most interesting woman he’d ever met, and he was really looking forward to seeing her again.
    He frowned as he stared at the house, the curtain still twitching. If Fan had taken it into her head to avoid him, she could easily dodge him for weeks. She hadn’t been to any parties in the last few days, had avoided the beach, had even been absent from Bertrice Merriweather’s picnic that afternoon. That’s when he had decided to take matters into his own hands and demand to see her. But other than barging into the house, he hadn’t many alternatives if she chose not to be at home to him.
    He had to do something. He was quickly running out of time and money—and couldn’t afford to lose either.
    “I was so glad that you suggested we get together for tea,” Ella Pemberton said softly as Eunice Scott poured her a steaming cup. “I’ve been wanting to speak with you for some time. I think it’s important that we get to know each other.”
    “My feelings exactly.” Eunice smiled, then poured herself a cup. Glancing furtively around the interior of the summer cottage, she hoped that Ella wouldn’t notice the lack of rich furnishings, and especially the absence of artwork in the room. But Ella seemed oblivious to the barren walls and was obviously delighted to be present.
    “I’m very pleased that your nephew and my niece have become friends,” Ella continued. “I’ve known Christopher for many years now, and have always thought him to be such a nice young man, in spite of what everyone says. I never believed him a gambler for a moment!”
    “Christopher’s reputation, like that of most men, is greatly exaggerated,” Eunice said smoothly. “He is neither as bad as they say, nor as good. But that is a topic I’m sure you are aware of. I think Frances is delightful, and you have my complete assurance that any discussion of her past falls on deaf ears with both myself and my nephew.”
    “I am very pleased to hear that. “Ella’s face softened and she smiled sadly. “Fan has always been the kind of girl who follows her heart. From the time she was a child, there was something so special about her, so touching, that very few people could know her and not be moved. Why, just the other day I wasn’t feeling well and Fan insisted on staying with me. She read a Dickens story, and acted out the parts so cleverly that I couldn’t stop laughing. Yet those same qualities make her vulnerable to the wrong people. I fear for her sometimes.”
    Eunice patted the other woman’s hand. “You have no need for concern. I sense there is a genuine affection between Frances and my nephew. In fact, I think he is more than casually interested in her. May I be so blunt as to take you into my confidence?”
    Ella looked surprised, but nodded. “By all means.”
    “Christopher wants to marry Fan, and the sooner the better. To say he is anxious doesn’t convey the

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