Untrusting (Troubled)

Untrusting (Troubled) by A. J. Wells

Book: Untrusting (Troubled) by A. J. Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. J. Wells
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Bob quit laughing immediately.  Maria and I tried to turn our
heads before a muffled snicker came out.
    Steve reached out to catch me,
“What are you smirking about?” he asks, holding me.  When I tell him,
Bob’s reaction to his last question, he pulls me closer to give me a noogie on
the head.  I holler and he says I deserve it.  Maria got away with
it.  When Bob pulled her to him for a hug, she’d controlled her smile,
sucking in her cheeks a bit.
    “Did you think that was funny?” Bob
asks her.  Innocent faced, she lied, “No, of course not.”  I shoot
her a look that tells her what a traitor I she is and she smiles at me over
Bob’s arm.
    Later, I ask her why she
lied.  “Seemed like the right thing to do at the time,” she says with a
snicker.  We walk out of the office, lock the door and join Lili, Steve
and Bob.  Maria’s going to get Shay and join us for supper at the
Barn.  Miss Lili loves eating out, so loves us girls being around and says
    Shay’s all over Bob as soon as he
sees him and Bob loves it.  Bob reaches for Maria, and Shay insists on a
group hug.  Bob kisses her on the head and Shay gets one too.  Shay
kisses Bob on the check.  Bob’s making no secret of his feelings for those
two and Maria likes the affection he’s showing.  Maria’d said earlier Bob
had backed off some, but still makes no secret of his interest.
    Steve put his arms around me and
Miss Lili, one of us on each side, and ushers us to a table big enough for the
six of us.  Shay sits between Bob and Maria and Steve sits between Miss
Lili and me.  We have a nice supper and sit to talk for a while
afterward.  Shay begins to show signs of being tired so Maria and Bob take
him home and put him to bed.  We leave to take Miss Lili home and talk to
her about the carnival and how big it’s getting.  Miss Lili explains there
are several men and boys out of work that are willing to work at putting the
carnival together.  Steve doesn’t object to her paying for the workers, so
I guess its okay.  Things seem to have settled down, ‘til Miss Lili says,
“Then there’s the elderly and my boys.”  He explains he and Bob have
twelve hour shifts at the station and if there’s a fire then the carnival won’t
be ready on time.  She understands that and has about twenty five helpers
lined up.  Steve’s still upset but feels better about the enlarged
    I leave for the office and Steve
follows.  My little clinic is overflowing with forty eight animals. 
It’s not designed for more than a dozen.  I wish I could find a way to
extend the kennel room a few feet or build another room just in case I need
it.  Maybe the insurance money can help with that.
    Steve comes close to grab me for a
kiss.  The lightening storm starts and I’m going into a daze.  I
should be used to it, but I’m not because it’s becoming more intense and more
mind boggling.  I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.  Thank
goodness Steve brought Chief with him.  He nudges our legs with his rear
end, almost toppling us, but succeeding in breaking us up while we try to keep
our balance.  He’s a great dog and knows when to interrupt
situations.  Steve groans and tells Chief “I may start leaving you at
home.”  Chief licks his hand and Steve laughs and scratches his
ears.  “Actually, I was wondering if you could check Chief’s broken
rib.  He’s becoming more active and I don’t want to stop him unless he
needs to be.”
    We take x-rays and the rib is
healing well, but it still needs more time.  Chief still shouldn’t jump or
run, otherwise, he can do whatever doesn’t hurt.  Chief is happy to hear
it, I guess, because he sits up on the table, puts his paws on my shoulders and
gives me a big kiss on my cheek.  After I hug him and sit him back down on
the table, Steve lifts him down to the floor while talking to him about cutting
in on his girl.  Chief takes it so much to heart that he wags his tail

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