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Book: Untraceable by Lindsay Delagair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Delagair
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regaining his control.
    Pastor Anderson kept his hands on our
backs and began to pray. Years of experience told him that he
needed to do something to give us a little more time to compose. I
felt Micah’s chest expand with an inhaled breath. He placed a kiss
on the side of my head and nodded to the Pastor.
    Micah found my mouth for one more
tender kiss as the last thing we heard was the word,
    We had a wonderful afternoon as
Giorgio and Celeste treated everyone to lunch at Pistache’s French
Bistro. With the exception of Micah, Kimmy, and me, it was wine all
around. We had sparkling water with a twist of lime and Kimmy had
lemonade, but they brought it to us in wine glasses because Giorgio
informed them that there was going to be a lot of toasting going on
at our table.
    Giorgio started off with a toast to
the newly remarried couple, the soon to be married couple, and
(very surprisingly) for his son’s baptism. Gwen got up and toasted
to the fact that her brothers finally got some sense in their heads
(which I found hilarious). Celeste stood and toasted to her
grandson and granddaughter. David toasted to first chances. I
toasted to second chances, and Mom toasted to third chances. The
last person to raise a toast was my very quiet and thoughtful
    “ I have to agree with my
wife on toasting to second chances, but since she’s already done
that, then I have to toast to how second chances happen. I don’t
know why she deemed me worthy for her love, but thank God there was
enough love left for forgiveness. Here is to
    Mom and Kimmy were the only ones who
didn’t know the true depth of this toast, but the Gavarreen family
was very somber as they raised their glasses in

    The days to our birthday celebration
passed quickly. Micah had been snooping, prying, and prodding to
find out what I had gotten him for his birthday. I’d just smile
when I’d catch him looking around for it or asking Mom or Kimmy
questions about it. The whole time, I kept getting text messages
from Lyle telling me the next offer Micah was making on the
property. Two days before our party, the final offer came in at
forty million dollars. Even Lyle was begging me to let Micah buy it
from me and pocket a thirty-two million dollar profit out of my
husband’s bank account. I just laughed and told him to turn down
the offer once again.
    “ I’m going shopping,” I
stated as Micah sat in the big recliner in the living room,
brooding over the most recent refusal he received over the
    “ I’ll go with you,” he
mumbled, clearly not interested in shopping, but he didn’t like me
going out alone.
    “ No, you may not. I’ve got
a couple last minute things I need for our party that you don’t
need to see.”
    A scowl crossed his face, “You aren’t
going to make this a gigantic party, are you?”
    “ I only invited a hundred
people, so no, I’m…” I watched his expression as the shock hit him.
“I’m kidding,” I laughed and leaned forward to kiss him. “It’s just
us and Mom and Kimmy.”
    “ David can’t make
    “ No,” I frowned. “I—I
guess he’s on a job for the new capo. Would you please talk to him
about quitting—for Mom’s sake. She’s a nervous wreck when she knows
what he’s doing.”
    “ I have,” he stated and
then let it drop.
    “ Doesn’t he have enough
money that he doesn’t need to—”
    “ It’s not that; he’s not
ready to give it up. I think he wants to quit, but for some reason
he seems to still be trying to get back in the Families’ good
graces after wearing that wire. He won’t get into the details with
me, but he’s getting along with the new capo—and
    “ Who is
    “ My Boss.”
    “ Has he—your boss—has he
talked to you? I know you told him you’d only be able
    “ Yeah, we
    That surprised me because Micah had
evidently made sure he was nowhere around

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