    â€œHow would you maintain them?”
    â€œWith welfare.”
    â€œThat is very irresponsible, James.”
    â€œI knew you were going to say that, but to me – and all those intelligent enough to know what we are living for – this is the ultimate male achievement. Isn’t it the purpose that God charged all human beings with?”
    I looked at him, feeling sorry for the unborn children that he wants to have.
    â€œAm I scaring you now?”
    That is how men think. You don’t have to go far back in history and you will observe that all women had more than eight children. My paternal grandmother had nine children and most of the women of long ago were the same – they had many children – and the men mostly had two or three wives.
    â€œYour problem is that you want a man to work hard for two children when he can work hard for ten and enjoy them growing up,” James said. “I think I will enjoy each of my children more than a brand-new car.”

Mr Liar Liar
    Boys are another kind of a being all together. They all lie and for that reason “no” is the best thing you can say to them. James says it is because females cannot handle the truth.
    â€œYou are saying that men lie to women because women cannot handle the truth?”
    â€œYes, you are very right.”
    â€œWhy do you say that? Of course we can handle the truth.”
    â€œWell, if a total stranger comes up to you and says: ‘Hello. How are you? My name is Stranger. What is your name? Mokgethi! What a wonderful name. Like the way you smile too. Mokgethi, can I please have sex with you? I really want to – you just aroused me.’ What would you say to that?”
    â€œI would tell him to go fuck his mother.”
    â€œExactly my point. We are lying to you because you cannot handle the truth. If I tell a girl that I want to have sex with her – nothing else, just that I want to have sex with her – then it will be like I took a gun and shot myself in the head. But the funny part is that I would be telling the truth. So that is what we do – we lie! ‘Hey, I love you – you are my every day and every night and every thing. You are the sugar in my tea and the cream in my ice cream. You are the blood in my heart. You are my own rib.’ And then you all put on that smile because you believe that you are the air that I breathe. ‘I feel warm inside when you smile. You do not know what you do to my heart. You are my sunshine. Can I buy you a train? Blah blah blah ...’ All lies, but women believe them. And then after you open your legs and I have ejaculated, you discover the truth and call me a dog. Who cares? The dog got what it wanted. I leave you with your hurting heart, which is not really hurting but just feels betrayed and foolish after all the lies it swallowed.”
    â€œWhatever, hey!”
    â€œWhatever, hey! You can dismiss me but it is only because you are still not willing to see the truth. Because, truth be told, there is a fool with balls who is coming to lie to you too, Mokgethi, and you will undress for him and that is a scary thing to your mind, a nightmare. If it is any consolation, it is not only women who cannot handle the truth; the entire world cannot handle the truth.”
    â€œAnd other people know the truth but they ignore it,” Mamafa added. “And others just love the lies so much that they forget that they are being lied to.”
    Afterwards I thought about everything that James had said and I discovered that it was true. We cannot handle the truth and that is why they have to lie to us – they lie because it makes us feel valued and very important, which we are not at all. What James said made me realise that I need to value myself. I have to be a valuable and important person not because somebody says I am but because my life is important and valuable.
    The worst liar that I ever had to listen to was some

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