Untamed Hearts (A Highland Hearts Novella) (Entangled Edge)
world. What do ye think?”
    He could see the trap and smiled. “Ah now, I’ve met quite a few beauties.” He inhaled fully. “But I must say, Highland lasses smell the sweetest.” Half the men laughed immediately with the rest following after Gavin gave a quick translation.
    “Jonet smells sweet,” Donald said and watched him carefully.
    “Now, where I come from, a man doesn’t sniff and tell.” He met Donald’s piercing stare. Either he was sweet on Jonet himself, or the lanky man felt it his duty to be a big brother to her as well as Ann. Or as Searc had warned, all the Highlanders were watching out for Jonet. After a moment, Donald nodded.
    At Munro castle, Will carried the huge beast to the kitchens and headed to the small lake for a swim. Was Jonet still asleep somewhere in the castle? What did she look like when she slept? That first morning at Munro Keep, he’d been jarred awake by one of the children crying on the other side of the room. He hadn’t had time to watch her slumbering before another woman needed his help finding the kitchens. Before he knew it, he’d been enticed to make his stew.
    Did she make little mewing sounds or possibly snore? The thought made him smile. He hoped that she snored. She’d be utterly indignant when he told her.
    He worked the soap that the cook had given him through his hair and over his body. What if he never got the chance again to see Jonet sleep? The thought bored into his chest, causing an ache. He stretched in the icy mountain water with each cutting stroke. Riding all day used different muscles than climbing masts and fighting. Soon the burn of exertion drove off the cold and his melancholy thought.
    Of course he would get another chance. Will Wyatt didn’t give up. But then, what if she did want more? He didn’t want to hurt her, and he was definitely a scoundrel, although no other woman in all the world had caught his attention for so long, despite their open invitations. Hell, never before had he spared so much thought on a woman. He cut across the lake, pushing the churning thoughts from his mind.
    The great hall was strewn with fresh rushes. Spring flowers swooped, linked together in garlands, along the stone walls. The minstrels from Druim were set up in the corner. Humphrey waved to him and pointed to his drum. Will chuckled and nodded. He’d take over the faster-paced rhythms.
    The room was filling with villagers, some he recognized from Druim, and others he assumed were Munros. Both sides wanted to see the child possessed both Munro and Macbain blood. Their union and this child tied the two warring clans together in peace, ending the century-old war.
    Will grabbed an ale and waited with Searc for the women and the babe to come downstairs. Ann stepped down first and waved her arms, bringing the crowd to an excited silence. Behind her came Jonet, followed by Meg in Caden’s arms, the new mother holding a small bundle to her chest.
    The crowd cheered. Jonet smiled out at everyone, her face radiant. The dark circles under her eyes from earlier had faded. Good, she’d slept. Ribbons of blue slid along her dark curls. They matched the blue in her gown, cinched tightly at the waist and cut low enough to show the lace top of her chemise. Her gaze washed about the room, and he straightened. She turned her head, her eyes finding his face, and stopped. He nodded slightly to her, and a little grin softened her mouth as if she was truly happy to see him.
    “Ah, woman,” he murmured. “Your heart is hard to hide.” It both warmed him and tightened his gut.
    The blessing of the priest happened quickly. Caden stood so proud with his son, whom they named Kincaid after his mother’s family. Will walked up with Searc to spy the wee babe who slept through all the ruckus.
    “My mother’s blood runs in the bairn,” Searc said and studied the little thing. “As does yours, Meg. Does he have a dragonfly birthmark?”
    Will knew that Dory had such a mark. Perhaps

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