go wrong.
    She whined again. She really wanted to run. But then kicking his ass would be all right too. She still owed him for kidnapping her.
    “I told you it’s not kidnapping if I took you home, and this is your home.” He lowered his head, and within seconds, he was nearly transformed into his wolf.
    When one paw slammed into the floor followed by the other, she moved closer. She circled him, smelling his earthy pine scent. He turned his head to watch her, and she stopped to bow her head. What the crap? Why would she do that? She tried to raise her head, but her wolf nearly screamed inside her head not to. She froze. For whatever reason, she wasn’t supposed to raise her head, so she reluctantly obeyed.
    Jasper howled next to her. The tone echoed and vibrated inside the room. Her hair stood on end, and she fought the urge to howl too. He turned in her direction to circle. She stood as still as she could, barely breathing. His large paws came within inches of her, and her heart pounded in her chest. He cocked his head to the side, and his muzzle swept across hers before he licked the end. She held her breath, trying to fight the urge to turn away. But once that small urge passed, excitement roared. Her Alpha had just shown a great deal of affection and respect. She was his, he hers, and he was showing it.
    “I thought we’d already been over that.” Jasper’s voice filtered through the haze of excitement.
    “Well, we have, but this is different. Why didn’t she want me to raise my head?”
    “Your wolf was showing me respect.”
    “All right, that just makes perfect sense.” Sidda rolled her eyes, letting her sarcasm flow. He shook his snout. “What now? Do I get to take you down again?”
    “You can try.” He growled before nudging her in the side to walk. “ I want you to start at the end of this room and sprint to the other side, come back toward me, and see if you can catch me.”
    A challenge. She loved a good challenge, and by God, she’d catch him somehow. She’d seen Jasper run before, and he was fast, but her wolf was leaner, which gave her reason to believe she’d be faster. The large room became smaller when she lunged forward, heading in the other direction. She loped toward the wall, and her muscles began to loosen and relax more. Her body lithe, her movements became fluid. She inhaled, held the breath, and then raced forward. She ran toward the wall in a high lope, and right before she got to it, she jumped, spun and pushed off of it with her back paws.
    Her front paws landed with a loud crash onto the floor, but before she could adjust and run toward the other side, she was knocked to the ground. Jasper stood over her.
    “First lesson, never take your eyes off your opponent. ”
    “You aren’t my opponent, are you?” Her breath came in short shallow gasps as he continued to hold her down. Fuck, he weighed a ton.
    “Right now I am. I want to see your strength, cleverness, and weakness. You’re fast. Let’s see if you can escape.” His head lowered, and his mouth crushed down on her neck.
    She whimpered in pain. Jasper had her throat in his mouth, and by god, it hurt. She writhed under him, shaking her head and pushing against him and the floor with her paws. Her air supply was cut off by his unforgiving teeth. Writhing and bucking wasn’t working. Jasper wouldn’t hurt her, not really, but he was testing her. She had to pass this test or he’d never believe she could take care of herself.
    First, the bond link had to be silenced. Sidda knew Jasper wanted to test her, the link between them might be private but the Blue Moon Pack members were known to have special abilities. Some could read minds of others, and not just their mates. If the Blue Moon wolves had those powers, then chances were another Pack might have some similar. She couldn’t have him knowing her thoughts before she attacked him. She focused hard on bringing up a wall in her mind, a large steel wall where no one

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