Unmasking the Spy

Unmasking the Spy by Janet Kent

Book: Unmasking the Spy by Janet Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Kent
    Alicia swallowed. “What did you
    Beatrix stared at the rosebushes.
     “I told Eustace I was in love,
of course. I told him I’d rather be penniless and happy than wealthy and
miserable. I told him to expect Charles first thing in the morning.”
    “Did he come and pledge his
love?” asked Alicia breathlessly.
    Her aunt shook her head. “He
wasn’t given a chance. I was underage and needed my brother’s consent. Eustace
said he’d murder him before he allowed such a marriage to wreck our family. He
was seated in the great room with the wealthy gentleman in question, who looked
rather shocked by the proceedings thus far. However, he was still willing to
marry me.”
    Alicia frowned. “But he did not.”
    “He did not. I claimed I was no
longer pure, and he refused to have me. Eustace was incensed. He sent an
immediate letter to Charles, requesting to meet him at dawn for a duel. I
bribed a footman and escaped. I took a hackney cab to meet Charles and told him
what had happened. Eustace was an excellent shot and would have killed him
without hesitation.
    “I begged him to leave early with
his troops and to come back as soon as the war was over, as I was likely to be
of age by then and no longer under my brother’s rule. We sobbed, and proclaimed
our unending love. I stayed with him that night and my earlier lie became a
    “Early the next morning, we said
our goodbyes. I took a hack back home and met Eustace’s fury at the door. I was
beaten and locked in my room for several months.
    “When I was finally allowed out,
I discovered Eustace had married a reclusive heiress. I don’t know if they had
ever liked each other, but by the time I met her they were no longer speaking.
Shortly thereafter, they were graced with the baby who would become your
    “When Eustace released me from my
room, he said I was no longer a danger to myself. Charles had survived the
duel, but died in battle. Eustace said it was what I deserved.
    “I slapped him. He did not
respond.” Beatrix paused. “He never spoke to me again.”
    Eyes damp, Beatrix turned back to
the rosebushes, the sun to her slender back.
    Alicia felt her throat constrict
in pity and horror. A tear trickled down her aunt’s tired face. Alicia’s bonnet
fell from her head as she enveloped her aunt in a fierce hug. After a moment,
she felt Beatrix wrap her thin arms around her back.
    “I’m so sorry, Aunt,” Alicia
    “Don’t be sorry, child. I knew
love. How many people can say that?” Beatrix stroked her hair. “I hope you are
one of them.”
    “I hope I fall in love with
someone who will save us both,” Alicia said fervently.
    Beatrix pushed away until she
could see Alicia’s face.
    “Don’t wait for a man to save
you, honey.” She reached up and placed one warm, wrinkled palm against Alicia’s
wet cheek. “You can only save yourself.”
    Alicia wished saving herself were
a little easier.  She forced herself to smile. “I understand, Aunt.”
    Beatrix nodded and placed her
hand on the crook of Alicia’s elbow. “Shall we get some tea?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    She turned to lead her aunt
toward the house when a heavily perfumed figure in orange and purple stripes
strutted into the garden, letting the gate bang closed behind him.
    “I see you brought your dotty old
aunt along to play duenna,” he cooed in his high-pitched voice. “Clever,
    Alicia stiffened. She had best
not let Louis believe staging a compromising situation was a necessary tactic.
Beatrix patted her arm but made no response.
    “We’re heading back inside,
Louis. Please enjoy the garden,” Alicia said in an icy tone, helping Beatrix
navigate the winding path.
    He inched his nose higher into
the air. “Where’s your bonnet, cousin? You certainly need something to cover
that unfortunate yellow hair. It’s so light that it looks white. I don’t want
my future wife looking ready for her deathbed.”
    Alicia ground

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