
Unknown by Unknown

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Authors: Unknown
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worn Rosamund’s resistance down to breaking point or were there to be any more awkward questions?
    Apparently not. Rosamund’s whole body seemed to sag and her wide eyes held the haunted look of a bird mesmerised by a snake.
    “Well?” Ruth asked. “Now that you know the truth, are you going to repay the debt you owe me or do you prefer to admit that you are a wretched little hypocrite? It’s up to you!”
    “I—I—” Rosamund moistened her dry lips with the tip of her tongue.
    “Rosamund! Hi, Rosamund, where are you?”
    At the sound of John’s voice hailing her blithely from the towpath, Rosamund came to life. She darted across the little deck and the narrow gangplank, straight into John’s arms, and as they closed protectingly round her, she clung to him, sobbing like a frightened child.
    “Darling, darling, what is it?” he asked urgently, and then, realising that she was beyond speech, his arms tightened. “Listen, Rosamund, listen! Whatever is wrong, you’re safe now! I’ll see to that! But try to tell me—”
    Rosamund was still shaking violently, but she made a valiant attempt to control herself.
    “My—my aunt,” she whispered. “She—she’s been trying to make me go back to London with her—and I can’t, John, I can’t!”
    “Then you shan’t, sweetheart,” John told her matter-of-factly. “Come along and we’ll tell her so!”
    But Ruth had followed Rosamund and now, from the slight advantage of the gangplank, she looked down at them, her calm apparently unruffled.
    “For your own sake, young man, I really do advise you not to interfere,” she said coolly. “Rosamund is a very naughty girl, you know!”
    Rosamund felt John stiffen.
    “No, madam, I know nothing of the sort,” he retorted coldly. “And please don’t trouble further to convince me that you’re right. It won’t get you anywhere.”
    Ruth sighed and shook her head.
    “How persuasive a pretty face can be!” she mocked. “Even when it could do with a good wash! Now, do be sensible! I know my niece better—” and bit her lip as she saw John’s face harden. Stupid of her to make the mistake of trying to ridicule him in his own eyes! Clearly he had far too good an opinion of himself for that to produce results. “I don’t think you understand the situation, Mr.—?”
    “John Lindsay,” John supplied automatically.
    Ruth bent her head graciously.
    “Mr. Lindsay. Thank you. As I was saying, I don’t think you understand the situation. Rosamund has behaved very foolishly and inconsiderately. Indeed, most people would say that I’m being extremely silly in giving her another chance. However, that’s just what I am doing! I’m willing to overlook—”
    “No!” Rosamund said breathlessly. “No, no !”
    Ruth felt a sudden stab of pain. Her air of patience, so deliberately assumed, snapped abruptly.
    “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Rosamund, stop this nonsense! Of course you’re coming back with me —now !”
    “No,” John told her very quietly. “She’s doing nothing of the sort. Rosamund is of age. Consequently she has the right to make her own decisions. That is definite and final!”
    Ruth glared at him.
    “If you don’t stop interfering—” she threatened.
    “But I have every right to interfere,” John assured her a convincingly vibrant note in his voice. “Rosamund and I are engaged. Now do you understand? We’re going to be married! ”
    Ruth had gone, but not before she had fired a parting shot. To Rosamund she enlarged on her earlier threat.
    “From now on, no matter what sort of trouble you get yourself into, don’t expect that I’m going to help you out! Do you understand? I’ve finished with you !”
    To John she spoke with pitying contempt.
    "You don’t, of course, know what you’re taking on, Mr. Lindsay. Well, you’ll find out! Because Rosamund won’t remain satisfied with love in a cottage—or on a barge—for very long. She’ll soon be whining for the comfort and

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