Unique Ink (Shadow Assassins Book 5)

Unique Ink (Shadow Assassins Book 5) by Cyndi Friberg

Book: Unique Ink (Shadow Assassins Book 5) by Cyndi Friberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Friberg
him. “Ready to head back inside? It’s hot as hell out here.”
    “Not a chance.” She was more than ready to change the subject, however, so she turned and faced him. “You just heard my entire life story. I want to hear yours.”
    He laughed. “I’m no mystery. I’ll tell you anything you want to know, but I’m getting dehydrated out here. Let’s find somewhere cooler so we can finish our conversation.”
    “Cooler” shouldn’t be hard to find. He was right. It was hot and miserable outside. They retraced their steps, using the same elevator to return to one of three belowground levels. She hadn’t seen much of the complex except hallways and locked doors, but it was much bigger than she’d first thought.
    “Does this place have a name?” She did her best to sound casual.
    “We call it the Bunker.”
    “Fitting. And how many people are stationed at the Bunker?”
    He chuckled. “I guess I should have qualified my offer. I’ll tell you anything you want to know about me . Anything else has to be approved by Morgan and she hasn’t been in a generous mood lately.”
    Morgan? It took her mind a second to produce a face to go with the name. When the image formed, she grimaced. The snooty red-haired bitch. Poor Elias. “How long have you worked for Morgan?”
    “I’ve worked for the program for two years. Morgan has been my direct supervisor for the last nine months.”
    Roxie was more interested in his story than hallways she’d already seen, so they walked much faster now. “Why did you decide to join the military?”
    “I come from a long line of military professionals. Dad made it to general before he retired. Mom started out as an Army medic and later became a nurse. She’s retired now too. My grandfather was a Navy pilot. Both my brothers are in the military. One’s a Navy SEAL the other a Marine. It never occurred to me to pursue any other career path.”
    She’d labeled him a soldier when she first saw him, so the information didn’t surprise her at all. “Which branch did you join?”
    “Army. I served for three years then became a Ranger. I’d been a Ranger for six years when, much to my father’s chagrin, I was recruited by the FBI. He still refers to it as my demotion.”
    Many military personnel had a general distrust of government agents. Even she knew that. “How’d you end up chasing aliens?” They turned down a wide corridor she was pretty sure they hadn’t used before. New territory was good and anything was preferable to being locked in the holding cell.
    “I was working a kidnapping case when I first crossed paths with Morgan.” He ushered Roxie inside a large cafeteria. The kitchen staff was tearing down and the subtle disorder of the tables and chairs indicated recent use.
    “Where is everyone?”
    “The kitchen stops serving at six thirty. Looks like we just missed dinner.”
    She chuckled at the evasion. “I’m still digesting that hamburger, but you didn’t answer my question.”
    “Some of the staff have gone back to work, the rest are in the living quarters or one of the common areas like the gym.”
    “Does everyone eat at the same time?” She looked around, trying to gauge the maximize occupancy of the room.
    He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Just because a room seats over a hundred doesn’t mean all of the chairs are used.”
    They helped themselves to fountain drinks then sat at a six-person table near the door, away from the clatter, and curious stares, coming from the kitchen.
    “Sorry for the distraction. You were in the FBI, about to meet Morgan.” She took a sip of her cola as she waited for his tale to resume.
    “Morgan claimed to have been dispatched from a different office, but her involvement didn’t make sense to me. I tried to be courteous and respectful, but it was obvious she was trying to take over.”
    “Morgan trying to take over?” She laughed, savoring the simple pleasure of cool air and a refreshing drink. “I

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