Unforgettable Summer: Wild Crush, Book 1

Unforgettable Summer: Wild Crush, Book 1 by Sami Lee

Book: Unforgettable Summer: Wild Crush, Book 1 by Sami Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sami Lee
straining for something, her body thrumming like a rocket about to launch to the stars.
    The loud breaking of glass made Ty jump back, leaving Summer on the launch pad. In a daze, she realized Ty’s windshield had an ugly crack in it along the driver’s side. The next blow came down hard, shattering the glass and causing a scream to tear from Summer’s throat.
    Over the piercing sound of it came Jasmine’s furious voice, raising hell in the quiet night. “What the fuck are you doing with my sister?”
    Summer woke with her heart pounding, something hot and hard pressing into her lower back. Strong arms enveloped her from behind. She was trapped, but her body wasn’t protesting the imprisonment. It was tingling and throbbing in parts that rarely woke her with such urgency.
    “Are you sober yet?”
    Recognizing Ty’s voice, Summer froze. As though to counteract her sudden stillness, he shifted against her, flexing his hips so she was no longer in any doubt as to what the hot hard rod pressing into her back was. He was in bed with her and he was naked. Naked and fully aroused.
    She was naked, save for the tiny black-lace underpants she’d worn last night.
    The tingling and throbbing within her intensified. Summer fought with her body’s instinctive response, knowing something about this wasn’t right. No way would she have had sex with Ty last night and not remember it. She’d gone on that double date with Penny and…what was his name? She’d drunk white wine—which she knew better than to do because it never agreed with her. They’d all gone to the pub after the concert…
    The pub. Ty. Summer remembered stalking over to him saying…
    Dear God no.
    “Getting excited is not your problem,” Ty rasped in her ear, his breath hot and tickly. His hand cupped her breast, the rough pad of his thumb stroking the tip, which puckered with delight at the contact. “Good to know.”
    Getting excited is not your problem.
    Summer slammed her eyes shut. It was true. She’d revealed everything to Ty last night. The fact she’d never truly gotten over him, her problems with reaching sexual satisfaction.
    White wine was a definite no-no for her from now on.
    “I thought I told you to sleep on the couch,” she croaked.
    “Actually, you told me to get lost, but I stumbled into your bedroom instead. Couldn’t find the front door.”
    “Right,” Summer scoffed.
    “And you looked cold.” He took her hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger and gently tugged, causing everything between her thighs to clench. “Are you cold now, Summer?”
    She was so far from cold she was practically volcanic, but Summer evaded the question. “I gave you a chance last night, Ty. It wasn’t an open-ended invitation.”
    “Oh? You want me to stop doing this?” Summer had to stifle a groan of disappointment when Ty’s hand left her breast. She couldn’t suppress the gasp that escaped when he slid it between her legs instead. “How’s this? Better?”
    His touch was sure as he cupped her folds, his finger boldly inquisitive as it dipped inside her. The ease of his entry surprised Summer. She was so hot and wet. It usually took ages for her to reach this level of arousal.
    Although she wasn’t usually with Ty.
    “Hell, Summer.” His morning stubble rasped against her neck as he placed a kiss there. “Let’s stay in bed all day. You can tell me what you don’t like, moan just as you’re doing now when you do like something. I’ll make you come, babe. Over and over again.”
    It was the most attractive proposal Summer had ever heard. All day in bed with Ty. Maybe he was right, and he could make her orgasm, more than once. Already, from the stroke of his hand alone she was…
    Reality intruded. She couldn’t stay in bed all day, she had to work. Opening her eyes, Summer caught sight of the bedside clock. “Oh crap!” She shot up in bed, oblivious to the sheet as it fell to her waist. “Is that really the

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