moment as though he wanted to say something else to Matthew. However, after getting a warning look from Lizzie, he put on his coat and went outside.
    â€œCharity, why don’t you run to the bathroom before we leave?” Lizzie said. When Charity started to argue, Lizzie stopped her. “I’m not asking,” she said. “It’s a long ride home, and there’s nowhere to stop. Just go.”
    Charity sighed and stuck the last bite of pie into her mouth before getting up and walking toward the bathroom. She gave her mother one last withering look and closed the door. As soon as the lock clicked, Lizzie scowled at her father.
    â€œI know you’ve been saying things around town about Levi,” she said. “And I want you to stop it. Don’t you dare use this situation to hurt him. He’s a wonderful pastor. His age has nothing to do with his ability to do his job.”
    Matthew’s expression hardened. I’d seen that look on his face before and knew what it meant. Sure enough, what he said next wasn’t a surprise.
    â€œGod’s Word states very clearly that a man in authority in the church should not be a novice. It is not God’s way to use young men to oversee His church! I do not say this of my own opinion. It is from God himself.”
    â€œBeing a novice has nothing to do with age, Father,” Lizzie blurted out. “Levi is hardly untrained when it comes to the things of God. He has studied the Word and served the church for many, many years. He knows more about God than almostanyone I’ve ever known.” She quickly glanced toward the bathroom door, obviously worried about Charity overhearing her discussion with her father.
    Matthew’s solemn expression turned even more venomous. “Age has everything to do with this, Elizabeth. Obviously, the longer a man lives, the more he learns. Levi is not even married yet. I believe the church overstepped clear boundaries when he was elected as our pastor. He should not have been considered for this position. He does not qualify.”
    â€œBut he is getting married, Father,” Lizzie said, trying to keep her voice low. “And soon. All of the Scripture requirements will be fulfilled.” She shook her head. “Please don’t stir up trouble for him. You know he doesn’t deserve it.”
    Matthew stood to his feet. “Getting betrothed simply so he could be voted in as pastor is not sufficient, Daughter. And now, he has become entangled in this evil situation.” He shook his finger at Lizzie. “This is what happens when God’s commandments are broken. Mark my word. This situation will get much worse before it gets better.”
    â€œI wish you’d explain to me why you waited until after Levi was appointed to the pastorate to begin your objections. Why were you silent when his name was offered as a candidate?”
    He shook his head. “I wanted to object, but at the time I was encouraged by several in the church to stay quiet—for the sake of peace. After the vote, I realized I had been wrong to allow myself to be swayed by the opinions of others. Christ did not come to earth to bring peace, but a sword. He said clearly that a man’s enemies would be those in his own household.”
    â€œBrother Matthew,” I said hesitantly, “wasn’t Jesus talking about the world’s system in that passage? That He wasn’tbringing peace to the world and that households would be disrupted because some in a family would choose to follow Him and some wouldn’t?”
    â€œCallie’s right, Father. Christ is the Prince of Peace in the hearts of His children. And you are trying to bring strife and division into His church. I think the Bible has some pretty strong things to say about that, doesn’t it?”
    â€œI will not quarrel about God’s Holy Word with you,” Matthew snapped. “How dare you try to teach the Word to

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