Unearthly, The
maybe it was his tragic history. Or maybe it was that he saved my life.
    He gave me a smoldering look, one eyebrow arching up.
    “Oh, cut the brooding crap,” I said, walking past him to push the door open, “Thanks for getting me out of there.”
    Andre followed me out. “So that’s it?” he asked. “You’re going to act as though you didn’t nearly die two hours ago?”
    I stopped in my tracks and faced him, the chilly night air prickling my skin. “How am I supposed to act?”
    “Bothered. Scared.”
    “I am bothered, and I am scared. Happy?”
    I looked at him curiously. “Why do you care?”
    “It’s my job to protect you.” He looked angry.
    I closed my eyes. “Just because I am your newest member does not mean you’re entitled to question why I act the way I act.”
    “I am when you are blatantly cavalier about your life!” He ran a ticked-off hand through his hair. “Being what you are, the price is much too high.”
    “My soul is fine. I already know it’s time that screws all you vampires over.”
    He quieted down. “I wasn’t talking about that.”
    I was surprised. “Then what were you talking about?”
    He opened his mouth to speak, thought better, and shook his head. “Never mind. Let’s get you back. We’ll reschedule training.”
    We got into the car, and Andre pulled out of the police station.
    I ran my fingers over the upholstery, thinking about the fears I buried deep. “Who was he?” My voice was so quiet I wasn’t sure I spoke the words at all. “The man who tried to kill me?”
    Andre’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “Scum.” He looked over at me. “The police didn’t tell you who your attacker was?”
    I watched the scenery fly by as Andre accelerated down the dark city streets. “All they told me was that he was currently in custody, and they were doing a background check.” I was glad Andre had turned the guy in. I got the distinct impression that most people who crossed Andre disappeared. I couldn’t say why, but I was relieved my attacker hadn’t died.
    Andre muttered something about incompetent police, but to me he said, “Your attacker is Timothy Watts, a laid-off construction worker and an alcoholic. More importantly, he is one hundred percent human.”
    “What?” I shook my head. “That’s not possible. The man threw me across the room, and he moved quicker than I’ve ever seen a human move.” I remembered my own inhuman feat of strength. I had also tossed a person — a full-grown man — across the room. Then I remembered what other physiological changes my powers brought on.
    “Damn,” I said.
    Andre looked over as I felt my canines. They seemed normal.
    “Ah,” he said, recognizing what I was doing. “Did your fangs come out earlier?”
    “Yeah. It was the smell of my blood.”
    He nodded. “Blood, pheromones, and adrenaline will trigger it.”
    “ Pheromones ?”
    He shrugged. “Pheromones can be a powerful aphrodisiac for a vampire.”
    I cringed. Ew .
    He laughed at my expression. “You’re not going to be so grossed out when it happens.” His laughter was distracting, full and rich.
    “Anyway,” I said, getting back onto our previous topic. “Why was this Timothy guy trying to kill me?”
    “I don’t know. The police think he was going to kidnap you for ransom money.”
    I shook my head. “That doesn’t make any sense. First off, I have no money. But second, and more important, the guy was going to kill me. I’m absolutely certain about that.”
    Andre growled, sending shivers up my arms. “What doesn’t make any sense is how he got into my VIP suite in the first place — and why he would attack you in such a highly protected location. That room should be impenetrable.”
    I gazed out the window at the nightlife beyond the road. The most amazing thing about my new vision was how alive the world was at night.
    Andre’s phone chirped.
    Smoothly he pulled it out of his pocket and to his ear.

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