Undying Love (The Introduction)

Undying Love (The Introduction) by Isabelle Connors

Book: Undying Love (The Introduction) by Isabelle Connors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabelle Connors
    Life is so unexpected, especially when you’re a teenager. Nothing ever happens when or how you plan it. I never thought at seventeen I would fall in love. Not just any type of love either, I mean the timeless kind of love. Through thick and thin, through distance and time.  
    I didn’t recognize it in the beginning. It came to me a little later in life. I guess I should have suspected how extraordinary our love was. We weren’t supposed to be, yet we inevitably became … “Us.”  
    T his wasn’t like those fabricated love stories in a romance novel . Particularly, because the girl I loved tried her hardest to persuade me that we weren't meant to be. Having lived through everything, you would think I wouldn’t do it again if given the chance . But, I would do it all in a heartbeat. Just so I would get the chance to hold her in my arms. She’s worth it. All the heartbreak and all the tears—she’s worth it!  
    Fate brought us together, but life tried to keep us apart. I loathed moving to Gulfport. But now, I could not imagine not moving there, or else I would never have met her.  
    It’s late January. I arrive home from school. I walk into the kitchen and drop my keys on the counter on my way to the refrigerator. I grab a bottle of water and I gulp it down.  
    “Hey, honey.” My mom says while she breezes through the kitchen.  
    “Hey, Mom,” I say as I throw the empty bottle away.  
    She stares at me for a brief moment. “Sky honey, we need to talk.”  
    The way she says, “We need to talk” makes my stomach drop.  
    “Okay …”  
    “Your dad called and he has some n ews …”  
    “Okay, shoot.”  
    She sighs. “Well, your dad is being promoted. But, if he accepts it, he has to move to Florida. Which means we’re moving …”  
    My eyes bulge out of my head. “You’re kidding me. You realize that my whole life is here, right!”  
    “Honey, I understand. I’m not happy about it either but what else can we do? We need the money.”  
    I groan. “Come on. Let me at least finish the year.”  
    “No, Skylar you move with us and that’s final.”  
    I don’t utter another word. I walk out of the house and to my car.  

Chapter One  

Once in a Lifetime Love
    I'm in the backseat of my family's SUV with my headphones on. I’m trying my best to ignore them because I didn’t want to move. They ripped me out of my life all because dad got a promotion. Why couldn't they wait until the end of the year to move? Or, better yet, left me with my grandparents.  
    My mom turns around and waves her hand to catch my attention. I slowly remove my headphones. "What?"  
    She sighs, "It’s going to be okay. I promise you Sky. You don’t have to look as if we killed your puppy."  
    I force a smile at my mom even though I still think this whole thing sucks. "Well, what do you expect? I didn't want to move. But I was forced so … I’ll probably look like this for a while."  
    My dad sighs in the front seat . "I didn't want to move either, but it's my job; I don't have much of a choice, unless you would like to be homeless?”  
    I roll my eyes and put my headphones back on, and close my eyes.  
    "Wake up Sky. We're here." My mom says as she tries to shake me awake.  
    I open my eyes and yawn, and I do a quick survey of my new home. It's a nice two-story house with ample yard space with a two-car garage. I turn to my left and I notice a few kids playing basketball, and a guy across the street washing his car. The lawns all appear well taken care of, and all the houses seem to have almost the same design. After I feel less like a zombie, I get out of the car and I take my bags inside.  
    When I come back for the rest of my stuff, I notice the guy who was washing his car is heading straight towards me.  
    "Hey man, I see you're moving into the old Sinclair house,” he says when he's a few feet away from me.  
    I run my hand through my

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