Understanding Sexual Attraction
your chest, but also the shape and definition.
    Arms - This is the second feature that people use to gauge a man's strength. Big arms are something most women love, but again mixing size and definition is the best way to get the best results from women. Good arms will also subconsciously send her the message that you can protect her.
    Abs- Abs are signs of good health, being athletic, and able to take care of a girl. Getting six-pack abs are a must if you like to find girls at beaches or pools, but they won't help you much in the beginning stages of a relationship when you are in a place that you’re supposed to keep your shirt on. It’s good to prioritize what features you work on based on how you like to spend your time.

    Height is one of those things that, short of flats and thick soled shoes, you can't do anything about. However , it is still important to understand that this alone is a very strong attraction switch.
    Taller people are seen as more masculine. It is a subconscious sign of status that whoever is the highe st in a room is the person with the most status. Subconscious things like this are the reason that women are so turned on by a taller guy.
    Tip: I f you want to get those tall points, you could try traveling to South America or Asia. On average people in those places are a lot shorter, so you will get more attraction with less height.
    Dress with Style
    One of the simplest and most important things to remember about having good style is to dress to your body type. It is much easier to follow than all the current fashion trends. If you have muscle, wear a tighter shirt that shows it off. If you have a good waist to hip ratio, wear a nice tailored shirt so people can see your waist. Never wear big shirts if you have a narrow waste. You want your shirts to show it off. If you are trying to hide a little extra fat you can wear shirts that are thicker with more layers.
    Make sure you have a nice pair of clean shoes. Shoes are one of the first things women notice. It's also good to have a basic idea of what colors go with what. You don't need to dress like a male model, you just need to dress to maximize your attractive qualities.
    Hygiene and Grooming
    H ygiene is an attraction switch, but more importantly, it's one of the main things that can kill attraction. It is very important to make sure you are keeping up on the following:
    Clean Body - You want to make sure your body is clean. Use soap and make sure to wash everywhere. Remember your neck and around your ears. Greasy hair or dreadlocks may look good at times from far away, but up close it will kill attraction, and fast.
    Trim Your Hair - Get frequent haircuts so that you will look very crisp. Also make sure to shave, and trim your beard when needed. Don't let your pubic hair get out of control either. If you have bushy eyebrows, pluck them. If you have a hairy back, wax it, shave it, or get laser treatments done. If you can see your nose hairs when you look in the mirror it means you should pluck them.
    Fingernails, Acne, Boogers, and Goobers - Make sure to keep your fingernails cut and clean, you should see no white part. If you have acne or something else on your face do your best to get it treated, and get in a habit of always checking yourself before you go out for boogers and eye goobers.
    How to Use Looks to Create Sexual Attraction
    Looks are one of the easiest attributes to show. Everywhere you go people will see your looks, whether you want them to or not. One of the best tips I can give you is to look your best whenever you leave your home. You never know when a cute girl will cross your path.
    A previously mentioned way to show your looks is to dress to your body; don't hide a nice chest behind a sweater all the time, show it off. If they can't see it, it won't create any attraction. If you have good arms, wear a short sleeve or tight shirt. Loose clothing is meant to hide your body, so only use it if you have

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