Understanding Sexual Attraction
because of body language, which we will get to later. Eyes are one of the first things that a woman notices about a man. The reason women are attracted to pretty eyes is because it signifies health, and thousands of years ago if your sight wasn't good, you wouldn’t last long. The strong possibility of passing on good genes to her children will cause a woman to feel attraction when seeing attractive eyes.
    When it comes to eye color, the rarest color of eyes is what people usually see as beautiful. In South America blue or gree n eyes will leave girls in awe, but in the United States they are not treated with as much reverence; this is because blue and green eyes are not as rare in the United States.
    Because of the importance that eyes have in feeling attraction, it is important to take care of your eyes. Don't let them get bloodshot and don't cover them with glasses, if you have the choice.
    Jaw - A strong, defined jaw is another feature that is part of a woman's attraction switch. A strong jaw is a sign of high testosterone levels, and thousands of years ago high testosterone levels meant that the man was higher in the social hierarchy and that he was stronger. The only way to improve your jawline is to raise your testosterone. There are natural ways to do this, for example: going to the gym, adding aggressive hobbies to your life, etc. A quick internet search will lead you to plenty of ways to raise your testosterone levels. High testosterone also signals that a man has a healthy sex drive. That is relevant because, biologically, the two most important things that human beings, as a species, are programmed to do are survive and reproduce.
    Hair - The popularity of Rogaine is a testament that men know a thick, head of hair is attractive to women. However hair is just a small part of facial beauty. A bald head, if done stylishly, can still look presentable. Hair still accounts for roughly 1% of total attraction, so do all you can to keep it looking good.

Overall Body
    Many people believe that facial beauty is more important than having a good body, but biologically it is actually less. A girl will be more attracted to you based on your body than any other single feature there is. The Body accounts for 10% (16% including height) of the Base Attraction that a woman feels for a man. 10% of that you have a say in improving. There are many things you can do, and it is a good idea to make it a priority.
    Muscle and Body Fat - Everyone knows that muscle on a man is attractive, however too much muscle can be a bad thing. The idea of putting on muscle is to make yourself look like a healthy, strong man, who is able to take care of himself. If you want to strictly hit attraction triggers don't overdo this by taking steroids and dedicating your life to body building. However, if you aren’t just trying to hit attraction triggers a body builder will still hit many of those attraction triggers. The key word is healthy looking, a jacked guy is still a lot more healthy looking than a scrawny 110 lb man and he will come off as more of a protector. In my opinion about 7 to 12 percent body fat is what women find ideal.
    The Shoulder to Waist Ratio- Throughout time there has been a feature that all women have found very attractive, it's called the shoulder to waist ratio.  1:1.68 waist to shoulder ratio is preferred. This is called the Golden Ratio. To learn more about this concept of beauty, do a quick Google search. Do all you can to broaden those shoulders and narrow that waste. You will hit an attraction trigger just with that feature.
    Chest- A large, not overly large, and shapely chest is not only something that triggers an attraction trigger in men; it does so in women as well. A chest is seen as one of the leading indicators of strength when someone looks at a man. When a woman sees a nice chest, she subconsciously sees him as somebody who can keep her safe. Keep in mind not just to go for improving the size of

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