Undercover Attraction
inside her
house, which had been turned topsy-turvy during the first half of
the worst day ever. She heard Jacob walk in behind her and thought
to herself that this might possibly become the worst week ever.
    Chuckles bounded up to her and launched
himself into her arms. He looked over her shoulder and let out a
vicious feline growl. She would have laughed, but the reminder of
who was staying with her for a few days dampened her mood even
    She cuddled Chuckles for a few moments
before setting about putting her house to rights again. Jacob
conveniently made himself scarce, scouting or whatever they
supposedly do when having to protect.
    A while later, the grandfather clock chimed
seven and she looked around, realizing she had been cleaning for
almost two hours. Her kitchen and living room were back to rights
and her stomach let out a loud grumble, reminding her that she had
been practically starving all day.
    She put away her cleaning supplies and had
just opened the fridge to see what she could fix when the doorbell
rang. Before she could even look out the peephole, rough hands
pulled her back.
    Jacob had materialized from nowhere. He held
a finger to his lips, telling her to remain silent. Jenna realized
he had palmed a pistol and was holding it ready in case their guest
was unwanted. Ready to shoot someone.
    He stood to the side of the door and quickly
looked out the hole. Then he smiled and looked at her, “It’s okay.
Dinner is here.”
    Jenna threw the lock that he had apparently
engaged when they made it home, watching as he slid his gun into
the waistband of his jeans at his lower back.
    So typical cop movie , she thought.
She pulled the door open and almost drooled at the man standing
    He was tall, at least as tall as Jacob, with
dirty blond hair, light blue eyes, and a devil-may-care smile. His
features were softer than Jacob’s, but he did have a resembling jaw
    “Hey there, honey. Is Jake taking good care
of you? You could always come home with me if he isn’t.” His voice
was like a seduction, his lips softly accentuating every
    She didn’t realize she had been staring
until Jacob stepped in front of her, blocking her view of the
gorgeous stranger.
    “Ignore him. He has absolutely no manners to
speak of,” Jacob threw over his shoulder to her, and then to the
stranger, “Where’s the food?”
    The stranger gasped and held a hand to his
chest. “What? No ‘nice to see ya’, or ‘how was Cali'? Just a
grumpy, nonchalant, ‘where’s the food'.”
    Jacob smiled lopsidedly, running a hand
through his hair. “You know better. It is good to see you, a
surprise though. And we're starving. Had a rather eventful day
    The stranger pointed behind him, “It’s in
the car. There’s so much, I couldn’t bring it all in at once.”
    They both walked out to retrieve the food,
Jacob looking back to her in an ‘I’ll be right back’ warning.
    So she obediently stood at the door. And
even worse was that she involuntarily stared at Jacob as he walked
to the car. She had to mentally shake herself when she realized her
eyes were ogling his gluteus maximus. Thankfully, the other hot man
bent over to get the bags from the car, giving her another fine
view of male glutes.
    Of course, she had to peel her eyes from
that fine scene, also and when she looked up, Jacob was staring at
her, his eyes narrowed. If she hadn’t known any better, she would
have giggled to herself for feeling like he was jealous.
    But I do know better .
    They came back carrying two full bags of
Chinese food each, something she wasn’t surprised about. After all,
she had seen Jacob eat breakfast already. Once on the counter, the
bags were quickly being stripped open, the contents spread out
along the marble like a giant Chinese buffet.
    She stood back, her arms crossed over her
chest, silently willing her stomach not to growl once she caught
the aroma of good Chinese. The two men went about opening

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