Under a Thunder Moon

Under a Thunder Moon by Jack Batcher

Book: Under a Thunder Moon by Jack Batcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Batcher
mother-fucker. Tyler get this buzzard some water to wake him up.”
                  Tyler dropped a bucket of water down on Trailer Park. The wave crashed like a tsunami in his face. Paul tried to move only the nails in his limbs kept him in place. As he yanked on them that movement sent shockwaves threw his nervous system. Another bucket of water hit Trailer Park making him twitch and howl. Jim took Alyssa’s severed head and placed it next to Trailer Park so he could look into to her vacant dead eyes.
                  “Hey Trailer Park,” Jim said, “If you ever start to forget why this shit is happening to you just take a look at Alyssa and ask her to remind you.”
                  Thunder cracked and lightning pulsed throughout the storm clouds that now hid the full moon. The boat rocked violently as waves splashed against the side of the boat.
                  “Hey Jim looks like that storm is just about on us now.”
                  “It sure does Mike,” Jim said. He took a long drink out of the bottle of rum and passed it to Tyler.
                  Jim lit a cigarette and slowly let out the smoke. He knelt down above Trailer Park. “The storm is here. Are you ready Paul? The storm has come to take your rotten soul.”
                  Paul’s mind raced like a wounded fox caught in a steel trap. He couldn’t move, because it caused him pain. He wanted to move. Hell he wanted to run faster then a cheetah across the water and back to the island, but couldn’t. Paul watched and waited bracing himself for what would happen next.
                  Paul knew he was fucked and there was no way of getting out of this. Shit! Jim just killed Alyssa! Now he is going to kill me! Fear took Paul over to the point of tears and he pissed himself.  Then wham! A surge of pain came up his right arm from his hand. Jim had just smashed his hand with the hammer. Paul felt his bones crack. Wham! Jim slammed the hammer down on Paul’s forearm shattering both bones.
                  Mike then took the hammer. Wham! Mike slammed the hammer into Paul’s left collar bone. Paul shrieked, cried and begged for them to stop, as he watched Mike pass the hammer to Tyler. Wham! Tyler slammed the hammer into Paul’s left knee cap. Paul twisted and tried to move, but it caused him more pain. Then again the hammer slammed into his left knee cap. Paul felt it shatter. Wham! Wham! Tyler slammed the hammer into Paul’s right knee cap. Paul screamed, but it was drowned out by the thunder.
                  Jim took the hammer from Tyler and said, “This is like a fucked up game of whack-a-mole.” Mike and Tyler laughed as Jim swung the hammer haphazardly into different areas of Trailer Park’s body. With each hammer blast Paul let out a scream. Wham! In the left side of Paul’s rib cage. Wham! Into Paul’s right hip. Thud! Into Paul’s stomach. Thud! Into Paul’s ball sack. Thud! Again into Paul’s ball sack.
                  “Forget the whack-a-mole,” Jim said, “he is more like a crazy xylophone.”
                  Mike and Tyler laughed in sinister unison.
                  “What’s next Jim,” Mike asked.
    “I’m not sure any ideas?”
                  “Yeah I got an idea,” Mike said, picking up his knife.
                  “I think I know where you are going with this,” Jim said, as he picked up his machete.
                  “Tyler go and get a bucket of water ready,” Mike said, and then he cut Trailer Park deeply across the chest.
                  “Just kill me now and get it over with,” Paul sobbed.
                  “Soon enough Trailer Park,” Jim said.

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