Under A Painted Sky (Spirit Warrior Series)

Under A Painted Sky (Spirit Warrior Series) by Jenna Roads

Book: Under A Painted Sky (Spirit Warrior Series) by Jenna Roads Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Roads
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it, what would I even say? Is anybody gonna believe something like this?
The first two people that I tried to tell certainly didn’t believe me when they
came to check the security and fireplace,” I replied.
    “You have a point
there. I would sure hate to try to tell her. We will figure this out,” Logan
    He pulled me to him and
gently held my face in his hands as he looked into my eyes. “Isabella, you’re
very precious to me and I would protect you with my life.” My heart was
pounding with excitement. He tilted my chin up as he searched my lips with his
and locked down as if to say, I am your protector . He made me believe
every word of it and I could hardly breathe under his touch and smell. I was
putty in sweet surrender under his lips.
    I couldn’t believe how
different this felt compared to my love before. There was no breathlessness or
pounding heart. It felt good before, but no fireworks. This felt amazing. I
could die in Logan’s arms and leave this world a very happy girl. Uh, Earth
to Isabella . I became present in his arms once again.
    He placed his arms
around me and pulled me longingly into his embrace. He held me with his soft
lips kissing my neck as they made their way gently to my lips once more. I felt
like my heart would burst as he wrapped his lips over mine again and again.
    Just as I thought my
heart would stop beating, it did momentarily, when I heard a door slam hard
coming from upstairs. We both jolted back to reality and Logan grabbed his gun.
    We headed upstairs with
me behind Logan as close as I could possibly get. We knew the master bedroom
door had been shut and now it was open. When we got to the door, Logan motioned
for me to step aside as he threw it open further. Nothing happened, except my
heart dropping to my feet. I fell in behind him while he went through the room
and closets, but we saw nothing.
    My eyes rose and the
mirror on the dresser caught my eye. Written on the mirror in childlike red
letters was the word ‘help!’ I pointed at the dresser and Logan tensed back to
alertness. We didn’t see anything else.
    Logan opened the door
to the veranda. We saw nothing but a sky filled with glistening stars and the
lights of the city in the distance. We came back in and searched the other
rooms with no results. We went back to the master bedroom to look at the
writing on the mirror and it was gone. You couldn’t even tell anything had ever
been on the mirror.
    Logan yelled out, “What
do you want from us?” No answer. He repeated the yell and nothing. He looked at
me, grabbed my hand, and dragged me behind him down the stairs.
    “This is crazy. What is
going on with this place?” he asked, although I don’t think he expected an
answer from me.
    I looked up at him in the
living room and saw that he was very frustrated. “I wish I knew.”
    “I think your aunt has
herself a haunted house. It’s funny though, because I spent time here before
you came, getting everything stocked and up to par and this is the first I’ve
seen of this. I was here for days and nothing happened.”
    “Well, now that you
mention it, I was here for two days before anything started happening. Oh wow,
the episode in the bath tub when the lights went off only in the bathroom and
the music was still playing could have been this ghost thing. Oh my God, I
can’t believe I just thought it was a faulty bulb,” I said.
    Logan said, “I don’t
think it was a faulty bulb anymore. We are gonna have to figure this out since
it won’t tell us what it wants. Come sit with me, Isabella.”
    I went over to the
couch and sat down. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. We sat in
silence, being comforted by each other.
    I said, “I think I want
to get out of here and go somewhere else. I’m scared, Logan.”
    “We are not letting
this thing make you leave your new home. We’re going to fix this in the
    At some point, I guess
I dozed off, because I woke up in Logan’s embrace on

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