Uncovering Secrets: The Third Novel in the Rosemont Series

Uncovering Secrets: The Third Novel in the Rosemont Series by Barbara Hinske

Book: Uncovering Secrets: The Third Novel in the Rosemont Series by Barbara Hinske Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Hinske
cataloged valuable items by Tiffany, Gorham, and Lunt, as well as
lovely pieces that bore no mark.
the haul,” John remarked as he set to work. “Who’d want to polish all this? No
wonder it was in the attic.”
shot him a reproachful look.
addressed them both. “It’s obvious we’ve uncovered a significant collection of
vintage silver, possibly worth a small fortune. I’m not sure what I want to do
with it, or even if it’s all mine. They say possession is nine-tenths of the
law, but I’m not so sure when you’re talking about items of this value.”
put his camera down.
the only three people who know about this—other than David Wheeler. And
he took little interest in it and has no idea of its value. For now—until
we can sort this all out—I don’t want to breathe a word of this to
course not,” Judy agreed. “I won’t tell a soul. And you shouldn’t be alone at
Rosemont with all of this spread out.” She glanced at John. “Someone should
stay here with you until all of it is secured.”
smiled. “That’s the best suggestion I’ve heard all day.”
settled, then. Let’s shut the doors to this room and keep this secret to
ourselves, for now.”

Chapter 23
    Eve began barking furiously, and Maggie was halfway to
the front door before she heard the knock. She glanced at the grandfather clock
in the entryway and couldn’t believe it was almost three o’clock. Her oldest
and dearest friends in Westbury, Sam and Joan Torres, stamped their feet
against the cold.
this a good time? You look like you’re in the middle of something,” Joan said,
eyeing her tarnished apron.
time,” Maggie replied brightly, avoiding the implied question. “The kittens are
in the laundry room. Follow me.”
turned and led the way past the closed dining room door, through the kitchen,
and paused outside the laundry room. “It’s quiet in there, so they must be
asleep. As soon as I open this door, they’ll wake up and start to scatter.
They’ve gotten so much faster than the last time you saw them, Sam” Maggie
said. “Get in there as fast as you can.”
cracked the door, and he and Joan slipped through. As predicted, the laundry
room erupted into a scene of flying fur and plaintive meowing.
eased into the room behind them. “I think you’ve got a favorite, don’t you,
started to protest and Joan laughed. “He’s got a favorite, all right. Don’t try
to fool us, Sam Torres,” she said, wagging her finger at him. “He’s told me all
about the one with gray stripes and black hind feet. That one, I think.” She
pointed to a kitten as it bounded over to Sam.
scooped him up and cradled him against his chest. Both women laughed.
“Okay—I admit to being partial to this guy. But you can pick whichever
one you want, sweetheart,” he said, turning to Joan. Sam handed her the kitten,
and he nuzzled Joan’s neck, coming to rest under her chin. Joan beamed.
looks like this one’s smart enough to know he’ll find the perfect home with
both of you,” Maggie said.
Sam asked, hopefully.
the one,” Joan said. “We’ve got a carrier in the car. Let’s get him home. We
need to change and head over to Fairview Terraces. We’re teaching lessons at
four and dancing starts at five. I thought you and John were going to join us.
With a little practice, you’d both be good. And it’s tons of fun,” Joan turned
to Maggie as Sam slipped out the door to retrieve the carrier.
will,” Maggie hastily assured her. “It’s just been too hectic.”
not working twenty-four hours a day, are you? All work and no play, you know.”
not that,” Maggie replied. “Caring for these kittens has eaten up all of our
free time. Once they’re a bit older, we’ll have time to attend.”
holding you to it,” Joan said as Sam

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