Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Wise Up!

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as prime minister of India.
    In 1800, England’s King George III survived two assassination attempts…in one day.
    King Charles I of England wore two shirts to his execution because it was a cold day and he didn’t want his shivering to be mistaken for fear.
    Catherine the Great of Russia died from a stroke she suffered while sitting on the toilet.
    At the Jonestown massacre, Jim Jones’s followers drank Flavor Aid, not Kool-Aid.
    King Alexander of Greece, who reigned from 1917 to 1920, died at age 27 from the bites of two pet monkeys.
    Chinese premiers Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping both died of complications from Parkinson’s disease.
    French novelist Émile Zola died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a defective chimney flue.
    England’s King George II fell to his death…from a toilet seat.
    The 1918 flu pandemic killed 25 million people in four months…more than were killed in all of World War I.

American Politics
    In 1972, CREEP—the Committee to Re-elect the President—supported Richard Nixon.
    When the NAACP was founded in 1909, its only African American officer was a newspaper editor.
    The semiunderground Know Nothing political party formed in the 1840s. Its goal: to stop the influx of Irish immigrants to the United States. The name comes from the fact that, when asked about the party’s activities, members were instructed to say, “I know nothing.”
    Founded by Union army officers, the National Rifle Association was originally established to improve marksmanship.
    The ACLU began as an antimilitarism movement during World War I, headed by people who didn’t support America’s mandatory draft.
    Congress once denounced Frank Sinatra and the Lone Ranger for turning American youths into delinquents.
    In 1969, author Norman Mailer ran for Mayor of New York City. He wanted it to be the 51st state.
    In 1676, an American colonist named Nathaniel Bacon led a tax rebellion against the governor of Virginia. The rebellion fell apart three months later when Bacon died of dysentery.
    What did George Washington and Colonel Sanders have in common? They were both Freemasons.
    In 2003, there were 135 people on the ballot to be governor of California.
    President Harry S. Truman’s mother refused to sleep in the White House’s Lincoln Bedroom—she was a Confederate sympathizer.

Food Stuff
    Americans now eat nine times more broccoli than they did 20 years ago.
    In the Middle Ages, people added carrot juice to butter to make the color more appetizing.
    If you shake a can of mixed nuts, the larger nuts will rise to the top.
    Because fruits ferment, virtually all fruit juices contain minute amounts of alcohol.
    More people on the West Coast prefer chunky peanut butter. East Coasters like theirs creamy.
    Nondairy creamer is flammable.
    The first fruit eaten on the Moon was a peach.
    The average American child eats 15 pounds of cereal in a year.
    It takes twelve ears of corn to make a tablespoon of corn oil.
    Casu marzu, a cheese from Sardinia, is ready to eat when it’s riddled with live maggots.

Young & Old
    Paul McCartney wrote “When I’m Sixty-four” when he was 15.
    Gladys Knight won first prize on Ted Mack’s Original Amateur Hour TV show when she was seven years old.
    Youngest golfer ever to compete in the Ryder Cup: Sergio Garcia, at age 19.
    Elton John won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music at the age of 11.
    Maggie Kuhn founded the senior citizens’ activist group the Gray Panthers in 1971, at the age of 65.
    The piano piece “Chopsticks” was written by 16-year-old Euphemia Allen.
    Drummer Julian Pavone played at a Chicago Cubs game and made a CD called Go, Baby! He was three.
    Conductor Leopold Stokowski founded the American Symphony Orchestra when he was 80…and signed a six-year recording contract at age 94. (He died a year later.)
    Mark Twain didn’t learn to ride a bicycle until he was nearly 50 years old.
    Jack Kerouac wrote his first novel at the age of 11.
    Youngest player ever to

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