
Unchanged by Heather Crews

Book: Unchanged by Heather Crews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Crews
I couldn't bring myself to tell my brother the details.
    Brandt grimaced a little and scuffed his foot against the linoleum. "But you never set foot in a library if you can help it. Were you meeting someone?" His tone was casual but protective. I knew he was only trying to get the truth out of me so he'd know what was going on and give me some kind of brotherly speech, but to me his words sounded demanding and controlling.
    "It's none of your business what I was doing," I sputtered.
    "I'm only trying to look out for you—"
    "I can look out for myself."
    He nodded, chagrined, and backed out of the kitchen. A moment later I heard him slip out the front door. Chris was waiting for him in the car, no doubt.
    I went to my room and lay back in bed, staring at the ceiling. No one understood me. No one could see the strangeness exploding around me. But I didn't need them to understand. I would figure things out on my own.
    No matter what, I vowed.
    On Sunday Brandt and I picked Chris up from her house, then grabbed some donuts and hot coffee drinks. We took it all to Austin's house. I was relieved to learn Joy wouldn't be joining us. I didn't have the energy or will to deal with her.
    Austin, dressed in lounge pants and a white t-shirt, opened the door for us and led us down to the basement. Eyes heavy with sleep, he reached for a donut and inhaled the whole thing. Still chewing, he took another one and settled into the overstuffed sofa with his drink. I had never seen him straight out of bed in the morning. His short dark hair was mussed and there was still a crease from the sheets on his face. He looked sleepy and cute, though his chest in the white shirt was much more than cute.
    My gaze traveled to Chris and Brandt, who were snuggled together on a large armchair, feeding each other bits of donut. Nauseating.
    Suddenly I realized why no one had invited Joy. This was some kind of couples thing. Maybe Chris and my brother were conspiring to get me together with Austin in a physical way now that we had attended a high school dance together. I looked at Austin sitting on the other end of the couch from me. He was reaching for the remote to turn on the stereo.
    I was sure Brandt and Chris had meant well, but I had no intention of getting to know Austin in a physical way. I turned my attention to my drink, hoping he wouldn't scoot closer.
    "I had fun at the dance," he said.
    "Oh." I was surprised—I'd hardly paid attention to him, distracted as I was by Ahaziel's appearance. "Um, me too," I finished." I tasted my drink, wincing because it was too bitter.
    "You're not like the other girls I've dated."
    I didn't know how to reply so I just smiled and forced myself to swallow more of my drink. Then I felt Austin's skin on mine, his fingers taking the paper cup from my hand. Confused, I watched him set it down on the coffee table. Without me noticing he had managed to scoot right up next to me. I looked over at him with tentative dread.
    "I'm having a party here soon," he said. "You'll come, right?"
    "I'm pretty sure I'll be tagging along with Brandt," I admitted.
    A cutesy giggle erupted from Chris and I turned to look at her and Brandt. They took no notice of me or Austin. I gulped and turned back to Austin, prepared to make excuses about how I had to leave. As soon as I opened my mouth, though, his lips were on mine, his tongue snaking through them. I recoiled but he leaned with me, pinning me down on the couch. I was so startled and weirded out I couldn't have enjoyed the kiss if I'd wanted to.
    I let him continue for a few minutes, trying to make sense of my feelings. Maybe if I just gave Austin a chance . . . But no. Making muffled sounds I hoped he wouldn't take as encouragement, I slapped at his chest and arms until he lifted his body off me.
    I slipped out from under him and leapt off the couch. "Uh, gotta go," I said to the room before running up the basement stairs and out of the house. The cool air dispelled

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