
UnBurdened by Bethany Bazile

Book: UnBurdened by Bethany Bazile Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Bazile
Tags: Romance
Chase is thick. His cock juts up
and I lick my lips wondering how great he’ll taste. Chase rolls a condom over
his thick cock while Brayden teases my pussy, making wetter for Chase’s entry.
Chase pauses at my entrance and looks at us.
    ‘Are you guys sure about this? Because once I bury myself
inside this pussy, you’ll be as much mine as you are Bray’s.” chills run up my
spine at the thought of being possessed by these two men. At this point there’s
nothing I want more.
    “Chase I want you to fuck me like you want to own this pussy.”
    “Damn baby, I love it when you talk dirty,” Brayden hisses
into my ear. He sucks on my neck as Chase’s cock slowly eases into my pussy.
With every inch he goes in, he pulls out and slowly rocks back in. He’s trying
to let my body adjust to his size but I want him deep in me. I lift my hips
with his next thrust and he goes in deeper. He bites down on his lip and growls
once he full seated in my pussy.
    ‘You’re so fucking tight. I think I might blow if I move.”
    “Just fuck me Chase. Please.” He withdraws slowly then slams
into me. The moan gets lodged in my throat as I begin to feel delirious. His
thrusts are relentless and I find something else he has in common with Brayden.
They fuck with all their strength and I love it so much I’m on the brink of
another orgasm. I hear Brayden whispering in my ear but I can’t concentrate on
his words, I’m too lost in Chase’s frenzied thrusts.
    “That’s right baby,” Brayden says in my ear. “Come for us,
show us how much you love what we do to this pussy.” He pinches on one nipple
and sucks on the other. Then he rolls my clit in his finger with his other hand
and the tension inside me bursts. Chase’s hard cock continues to pound into me
as ecstasy rotates through me, each stroke bringing on another jolt of pleasure
as his thick cock rubs against my g-spot. My channel grips onto Chase cock
holding him in a vise grip and he roars his release.
    “Ahh shit! Fuck that’s good.” His strokes are slow and
jerking as he spends himself in me. His eyes open up and he leans over me,
kissing and caressing me. “God Kerri, I feel like I just tasted a piece of
heaven.” He looks at Brayden in shock and Brayden laughs at him.
    “The first time I buried myself in her I knew I would never
be the same man again.” Brayden say.
    Chase rolls over, disconnecting us. His arm covers his eyes
and he pants for breath. I look at Brayden and see that fire in his eyes. The
hungry predator on the prowl. He’s been so patient I can’t wait to make my man
scream my name in ecstasy. I get up on my knees and yank his underwear off. His
angry purple tip erection juts out and I immediately thrust it in my mouth. He
moans loudly as my lips move up and down his hard shaft.
    He grabs my arms and pulls me up, kissing me deeply and
positioning his cock at my entrance. I slowly lower myself unto his throbbing
cock. Brayden’s arms wrap around me like a steel band as he keeps our mouths
locked together as I ride him. He pistons up into me, going so deep I’m gasping
against his lips. His eyes lock with mine and I’m mesmerized by the look of
pure love in them.
    “I love you so much Kerri,” he whispers into my ear, never
breaking the sensual rhythm of his possession. The slow steady pace is making
me crazed. I feel full of him physically and emotionally, my crest swiftly
approaches but I try to prolong the wickedly delicious ache in my core.
    “You’ll never know how much this means to me,” he says
before he surges up deep into me, convulsing in spasm. His deep penetration
brings me over the edge in a body shuddering, clenching orgasm. His hot seed
spills deep into me as I collapse on top of him, our bodies twitching
    “I’ve never seen anything like that. You two are beautiful
together,” Chase says. I turn my head towards him and smile.
    “Come here,” I say. He moves in closer and I kiss him as
Brayden caresses

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