Unbroken (Fighting for Gisele #3)

Unbroken (Fighting for Gisele #3) by Emily Jane Trent

Book: Unbroken (Fighting for Gisele #3) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
hell that it wasn’t fractured, but he thought it might be. Well, he couldn’t let it stop him, whatever the condition. And he certainly wasn’t going to tell Gisele, as she’d only worry.
    “I don’t want you to fight,” Gisele said, setting her fork on her plate. “It’s not worth it.”
    “What do you mean? Fighting is what I do.”
    “I mean …I don’t want you to fight Fromer.”
    “It’s too late; it’s already set.”
    “Micah, please…I know about this guy. He has a reputation, a bad one,” Gisele said.
    “All the better…for when I whip his ass.” Micah shoved his plate back.
    “I don’t like the underground…the fights aren’t fair.” Gisele stared at him. “You know that.”
    “It doesn’t make a difference. I’m fighting.”
    Gisele leaned toward him and put her hand over his. “Those fights are brutal.” She hesitated. “They won’t let you win.”
    Micah leaned back in the chair. “I don’t ask for permission.”
    Seeing that she couldn’t win that argument, Gisele let out a sigh. “And I’m worried about you anyway.”
    “You shouldn’t be.”
    “But I am.” Gisele wrinkled her brow. “You think the Kovalenkos are just playing around…but they aren’t.” She squeezed his wrist. “You fended them off today, but they will follow through on their threats if you don’t heed their warning. If they can’t get you one way, they’ll try another. I know men like that.”
    The fact that Gisele did know men like that, very well , irked Micah. He wanted her out of that environment for good. It wasn’t enough that she’d moved out of her brother’s complex—Micah wanted her away from the danger that was closing in. But he had to win the fight first. Then they could retrieve that diamond stashed away in a bank vault, and put an end to all of this.

    Chapter 8
    It had been a few days since the attack on Micah. The mob killed, and Gisele had every reason to be worried. Yet Micah just brushed it off, even though it was no light matter. He was far more concerned about winning the fight, now only a day away.
    Gisele had talked unceasingly about bowing out of the fight. She’d used every tactic she could think of to persuade Micah to give it up. She should have known better. A fighter didn’t quit, and impossible odds just make it more of a challenge.
    It was useless to discuss it further, since Micah wouldn’t listen. When he’d left for the gym that morning, they’d been at a standoff. Gisele went quiet, hoping that if her nagging didn’t work, maybe the silent treatment would.
    She’d run out of ways to convince Micah to bow out. Threatening to leave him if he fought in the match would be an exercise in futility. It would be an idle threat anyway, as she wouldn’t follow through, and Micah would know that. There was just no way to force him to give it up.
    Meanwhile, Micah was immersed in his training. Winning didn’t happen by default, so he had to pour himself into the task of preparing for the confrontation. He stayed at the gym late, and got up early each morning to resume his conditioning.
    Micah even swore off all alcohol, honed his diet, and got plenty of sleep. All of that must have been the worst torture for him. But he didn’t complain, just did what he had to. And Gisele had no intention of being a distraction. She wanted him to have his best chance in that ring.
    Gisele stayed at the hotel with him, and slept long after Micah had left each morning. She had the key to her apartment, but it was empty. The task of choosing furniture would have to wait, as she couldn’t think about it with Micah soon to fight a killer.
    The day before the fight, after Micah went to train, Gisele took a cab to Pilates. She needed the stress relief more than usual. The instructor ran a strenuous, invigorating class, so for that hour Gisele’s attention was diverted.
    But when she changed back to street clothes, the prospect of Micah getting in the ring stirred new

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