Ultra-Erotic Story:Driver For Hire
For Hire
    Donna snapped her designer handbag shut and looked down her
nose at the poor salesgirl shaking behind the counter.
    “This is absolutely unacceptable!” she shouted.
“My maid told me your store called to say my dress had been
altered and you were ready for me to come in for another fitting. Now
you are saying it’s not. What the hell is going on? “
    “I am so sorry, Mrs. Stein”, the girl hurriedly
replied. “I’ve been here all day and no one called your
house. The dress will be ready by Thursday at the latest.”
    “Thursday?!” Donna screamed. “Today is only
Tuesday! You bungling moron! I will never purchase another outfit
    The girl began to cry. Hearing her employee weep, the
manager hurried out from the back.
    “Madam” he said, standing beside the salesgirl
who took his discreetly proffered handkerchief and turned away. “I
can not allow you to return until you are able to speak civilly to
the members of my staff.”
    “The members of your staff?” she sneered.
“Listen, you little nothing! Do you know who I am? Do you know
how much money my husband makes and how much I spend on your shitty
little dresses? I could have you out of business just by saying at
the club luncheon today how incompetent your service is!”
    The manager waited till she was finished with her tirade. He
smiled and then gently replied. “Madam. I am terribly sorry
you are so unhappy. May I suggest you go fuck yourself?”
    Donna was stunned. The manager walked around her and opened
the door for her to leave. She slowly moved to it and then ran out
screaming at the top of her lungs. The door slammed behind her and
she could swear she heard snickering. They were laughing at her.
    She started to cry. She was furious. Now what was she
going to do with her day? Being a rich man’s wife was the envy
of a lot of women and Donna loved to brag about all the things she
got to do, places she vacationed and things she could buy. But it
was never enough and she found herself more frustrated, emotionally
on edge and demanding.
    “That stupid cunt.” She fumed about the new
maid. She was going to go home and fire that little idiot for giving
her the wrong message and ruining her day. Just thinking about
getting to yell at someone with no power put her in a better mood.
She hailed a taxi and ordered the driver to drop her off at their
six-bedroom apartment on Park Avenue.
    She had just settled into the back seat and was about to
command the air-conditioning be turned on when her cell phone rang.
    “Hello?” What? I can’t hear you. This loser
has his music up so loud!” She knocked on the partition.
“Excuse me! Turn that shit off!”
    Ignoring the dirty look she got in the rear view mirror,
she snapped “Ok, what?” into the phone.
    “Hi, sweetness.” Her husband said. “How is
your day, darling? I have good news. I hired a driver for you so you
don’t have to wait for taxis anymore.”
    “Well it’s about time!” Donna scoffed.
“I’ve been asking for a driver for years!”
    “I know dearest. “ she heard him reply. “He’s
at the house now. He’s the husband of our new maid.”
    “What?” Couldn’t her husband do anything
right? “That stupid bitch? She can’t even take a phone
    “Now, honey.” came the voice through her phone.
“I can tell you are upset. Don’t worry about her. This
new driver is going to make it all better. I’ve hired him so
you can relax. Good-bye, sweet…”
    She hung up on him. The driver pulled up to the curb and she
got out, slamming the door. She marched past the doorman without
saying hello and mashed her finger against the elevator’s
button for the penthouse.
    Once upstairs, she threw open the front door and was about to
yell for the maid when what she saw left her speechless. Amber, the
new maid and object of Donna’s wrath, was standing right there
in the hall, totally naked except for five-inch black stiletto pumps,
a thin black

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