Two Times the Trouble

Two Times the Trouble by Mellanie Szereto

Book: Two Times the Trouble by Mellanie Szereto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mellanie Szereto
Tags: Romance
I’m a little curious, though. How do the women in your family get around the issue of polygamy being against the law?”
    “You are observant. We do not break the laws, as our joining ceremony differs from marriage. I will defer the telling of how to Jolán.” Romána approached her granddaughter, kissing her on the cheek. “Trust your heart, daughter. You’ve proven your mind’s worth in battle, but your strength will grow with love.”
    Jolán’s doubts came through in the way she bit her lower lip and gathered the fabric of her skirt in her fists. “Yes, ma’am.”
    Romána smiled. “Believe.”
    Liam couldn’t be certain to whom the old woman had spoken, but she could’ve easily meant all of them.
    “I’ll have Ilona bring up a tray.”
    “Thank you, Great Grandmother.” As soon as the door clicked shut, Jolán plopped in the chair and dropped her head to her hands. “Orsolya was so right about men. You two are going to drive me crazy.”
    Sitting on the corner of the coffee table across from her, Ivan grinned. He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. “Isn’t she happily mar—um, joined to more than one mate? And pregnant with two babies? Sounds to me like crazy isn’t such a bad thing.”
    After struggling with the choice of perching his naked ass on the arm of the chair or going in search of a towel in the bathroom, he opted for the latter. “I’ll be right back.”
    He strode in the direction Jolán had pointed when they’d entered the suite, slowing as he reached the end of a king-sized bed. Two doors stood slightly ajar on the opposite side of the room from the entrance. Not wanting to invade her privacy but in a hurry to locate the bathroom, he stopped at the opening to the right of the fireplace.
    With a light push, the door swung inward. A pair of empty cribs, two small dressers, and a shelved table-like piece of furniture lined the walls. His chest tightened—not from the panic that Jolán could be pregnant. The anticipation came from the possibility that she might be pregnant with his and Ivan’s babies. No wonder Jolán seemed to have contradictory feelings about sex and relationships. She had a constant reminder of what her family expected of her. Or she thought she had to produce a child or two. Of course, he’d probably contributed to the problem by blowing her off after their first time together in the barn. They had a hell of a lot to discuss before the next round of lovemaking.
    Returning to his search, he tried the second door, hitting the jackpot when he found a linen cabinet in the fully equipped bathroom. He wrapped a thick blanket of a towel around his waist and headed for the living area.
    Neither Ivan nor Jolán had budged an inch while he was gone, so Liam followed his instincts. He lifted her into his arms and settled her on his lap as he sat in her chair. When she tried to escape, he gathered her closer. “We have to talk. I’ll start.”
    She leaned forward, hiding her face behind a curtain of her hair. “Fine.”
    “I want to apologize for the way I treated you yesterday. There’s something about you that scares the shit out of me and pulls me to you at the same time. I regretted telling you I wasn’t interested in a relationship the second you walked out. I hated watching you flirting with Ivan, and...seeing you with him last night almost killed me. To be clear, I want you, Jolán. I’m willing to share you and risk getting hurt for you.” He brushed the hair away from her forehead to kiss her.
    His brother straightened, shoving his hand through his hair. “You saw us?”
    “Yeah.” Saw. Watched. Ivan and Jolán didn’t need to know the pathetic truth of his voyeurism.
    “Damn, I figured you’d guessed. The plan was to make you jealous so you’d realize you screwed up, but I couldn’t stop myself. Everything felt so right.” Reaching to take one of Jolán’s hands in his grasp, Ivan furrowed his eyebrows. “Honey, this ‘having two

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